What is missing in your life?
my cat( ishka )
If you met Nelson Mandela what would you have told or asked him?
idk the person
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
Omg whoever asked that question I hope that shut you down with the response that bella gave back. Thanks bella xx means alot xox :) Emmacoffey
yea anyway i would always love emma the way she is!!
Do you think Emma is a biatch? Or do you think she is really nice and pretty?
she is one of the nicest girls i have ever met. she is a really kind and beautiful friend xx
What do you think of me xxx natlovesu
a cool *exy girl. your so energetic and doesnt care what ither people think if you. love ya
yout an amazing young lady, love your hair and your one of my best friends and i will never stop loving you - as a friend
What have you learned today?
nm really because i didnt go to school
What do you think people think of you?
that i am a good friend but also can be a ***** at times
The thing you want the most this Xmas?
What is the best way to approach a girl you like?
What up baby
A lie you told today?
no lies
Who would you go out with if Jacob didn't exist maddymiddle321
rather not answer that question
Two Things that you would like to improve about yourself?
nothing really i just luke the way i am
Tbh Emma x
your really pretty and caring. your such a wonderful friend to be around and your very kind
the question before said: what would you do if i dumped you i mean if jacob?
if jacob dumped me. I would so sad but still be gr8 friends!
what would yi do if I dumped you I nran if jacob
i font understand, ask me again ?
nat i dont know what to say, your so energetic and an amazing friend to talk to i just live your personality and never change it because its perfect the way it is❤
Tbh on Jacob
he is so nice, caring and cute
Tbh on Maddy Middlemist
tbh maddy your amazing friend i have ever had, your so caring and an awesome girl to be around and have fun with. never stop being my fruend plz x