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Yeahhhh, she's my bestfriend haha
Sophie Skye Madi Ash Chloe Shanty Ben Justin Idk Jack & Owen?? In No order :) I have lots of close friends so choosing 10 is hard
Skye, Shanty, Madi, Ash and Chloe x But Soph schofield and I are like family and I love her heappps.
I'm thinking this was Soph... Miss you too! We were so close :( I miss my best friend
Idk who your talking spesific please
Umm idk..
Umm Ben is my best friend. I don't like him....
Nope :)
I talk to Sophie a lot thank you very much
I don't hate anyone.
Maybe :)
We actually do we are just not as close as we used to be.
No idea
5)Ben ;)
Really really nice pretty and one of my closest friends ox
Best friends are both being Bit**y,are talking behind my back & pretending nothing has happened so right now life is shi*.
Depends what day it is
Yes no maybe ok
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Yep! :-D