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Alasdair Hartley


338 Replies

Dude do me a tbh please... Ps inbox me or something some time. :( T.benson

To be honest, we using to be close af, and then we just drifted, but funny you say that as I was actually thinking about messaging you yesterday but I thought you didn't wanna talk to me. But yeah, you're great to be around and talk to, really nice and funny.

itsalasdair replied 3689 days ago 1

Thoughts? :3 Jasmccallum

We don't talk much at all anymore but you've got a bubbly, fun personality and you're so caring and outgoing, not like most other people. You're one of a kind :)

itsalasdair replied 3689 days ago 1

Please text me back? :( taylatheloser

I went over on my plan so I can't for a week :(

itsalasdair replied 3695 days ago 1

U have no friends

No shît cûnt but at least I can spell "you"

itsalasdair replied 3704 days ago

What do you love the most?

My bed

itsalasdair replied 3704 days ago

Thoughts on
Tammy j
And Katie o

I don't talk to either of them, therefore I have no thoughts on them.

itsalasdair replied 3704 days ago

Miss you :(
Let's catch up soon? X taylatheloser

Yeah we should man

itsalasdair replied 3704 days ago

I actually miss you so much Al! we need to catch up soon, yeah? Jasmccallum

I miss you too man! Yes we definitely should :)

itsalasdair replied 3714 days ago

i hate the fact the you bull ****ed about what micheal did to you. and the fact that you said we "stole" your beenie. we never touched it.

i do miss the friend ship we had. i really do.
but you hate me now.
so ill go. see ya man.
loved the good times. :/ vish3213

I didn't bull****. The beanie was found up the road on a letterbox by Simon and myself so don't say he didn't cause he did ahah and we have a photo of the letter box it was on but whatever :p I never said I hated you? I hated the fact you stood there and did absolutely fûck all. But I guess michael is your best mate now. Don't have to go but if you want to then okay.

itsalasdair replied 3733 days ago 1

is it ture you an cheyenne slept together?!

Aha no. Who's spreading this now? Pretty sure she hates me ahah. But no we have never slept together. Ever.

itsalasdair replied 3734 days ago

You ain't no celebrity

So STOP. Cause fame is for asshöles

itsalasdair replied 3736 days ago

Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?

Of course I would, why wouldn't i? They're a human being the same as the rest of us

itsalasdair replied 3740 days ago 1

Thoughts on your ex Lexi

No thoughts

itsalasdair replied 3740 days ago

You're a c unt

Cool beans

itsalasdair replied 3741 days ago

Do you have a crush on anyone? :)

Ha ha

itsalasdair replied 3741 days ago