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HII QUAN!! :D We don't talk much but its always nice hanging with you and the girls! You're nice and friendly although you didnt say hi to me and vedel the other day at hungry jacks :( HAHAHA I didnt even know you worked there until ivy told me! You're also one of the funniest person ever HAHAHA ^_^
Friendly and cool as guy! So tall and pro at basketball bro! Always nice being in your class and I like how we have the same surname :D
yeah it was the best movie I've seen in quite a while :)
shut up arteries
It's $15 on fridays and $20 on other days. The price may be going up soon though :)
bigger than urs
eat the tomato? idk HAHAHA
We haven't really talked but youre pretty and you seem like a nice person to talk to! Nice seeing you yesterday at monash! :)
She's a really friendly, nice and trustworthy person. She's also really funny and it was nice seeing her yesterday at monash after a long time! ^_^
Yeah gonna go tonight for badminton training haha :)
Heeyy hongo! HAHAHA
You're really friendly, easy to talk to and cute as! You're also really good at badminton and table tennis. I still needa rematch you! HAHAHA Good luck at zone next term :)
no wtf LOL
nuffing im so bored :(
You're really friendly, cute, really easy to talk to and it was nice getting to see you again yesterday! :) You make me feel tall although im not HAHAHAHA I don't talk to you often but I know that I can trust you :) Hope to see you around again sometime (Y)
yesyes youre a bully! HAHAHA ^_^
tomato I know this is you.. HAHAHA I am straight ok :(
idk maybe its in their genes :O Pumpkins the best though :))
Cute, friendly, easy to talk to, trustworthy, nice but mean when she wants to be HAHAHA, sportyyy, intelligent and shes a tomatoooo