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59 days late but, hey babe
nah ****, what else pays for wifi
have i not done you already, july? hahah adorable girl, caring, and so far from fake, <3 lyb
for sure
bpeoplewhoneedtofalloffacliff be licking undies
up my as*
tbh 1Mil isn't much, so there's heaps I wouldn't do
Really nice, and pretty but she's so quiet aha, talk more :)
comforting people :') nah hang on i'll get my list xD
pyromaniac arsonist TWINN!!! you are soooooo pretty and you're mean but you're really nice hahaha
you're smart, pretty, and super nice, and you seem so quiet haha
thanks b :) but dw about it haha it's nothing
meh for sure aha
YOU. ARE. ADORRRRRRRABLE ! ! ! You're really quiet when we skype I can't even hear you xD you and your sister keep killing each other ! :P You're also reallllyyy generous it's not even funny. I've only seen you like twice haha, but you're cute and pretty :)
probably julieeeeee
my lbb girls ofc
You are a ***** f*****, and you're mean, and you call me a ***** :( But you're nice at times.
lol everything i hear is dumb
hmm don't talk to you much, you seem nice, you're sooo tall and pretty (:
you're a ***** f***** (:
:p sometimes, it takes me a legit full 2 mins to understand what you were meant to say
yes, yay. Uhm like christina says, sluzzaa, and you're soo pretty omf, but your typing s*cks no offence :P umm youre an lbb g too haha
PEACE KEEPER !!!! you are soooo honest and trustworthy, aaaaaaaaand a bit tooooo kind g
Crazy, out there, my personal voice of reason, umm craaaaaaaazy, lyb so much.. still think you shouldn't have aborted the baby tho :P
HELLO CRUNCHIE <3 you are one of the weirdest and skitchies people i know :P You're also my dictionary for retarded slangs :p Sid lyf
hey tipsy (: