feel free

212 Replies

Is it better to buy 2 half gatsby's or 1 full 1 @ChickyChicken?

Classic ??? two halves sounds better

ivor_jules replied 2191 days ago

do you have a gf

No I do not

ivor_jules replied 2224 days ago

Who's the girl that's on your mind ?

my grandma - i dont visit her enough

ivor_jules replied 2257 days ago

Courtney Fry?

someone i dont speak to often enough

ivor_jules replied 2257 days ago

Ya you say you dunno who I’m talking about which means you take allot of girls for a poes bcuz you self a poes

Such a keyboard ninja fighting the battle with no name. I'm not a bloodhound, so I can't smell who you talking about and I'm not a psychic either so I can't read your mind. So obvi I won't know cause I don't have one female friend

ivor_jules replied 2268 days ago

You just chase after ***** and don’t think about what you doing bruh

I beg to differ, I don't run after anyone. If your friend has a problem she should know she can come to me with it. If she doesn't, then she doesn't know me well enough for me to waste time on her

ivor_jules replied 2268 days ago

Ur so hot but so annoying

auw thanks, ill try not to be lol

ivor_jules replied 2268 days ago

Stop taking my girl for a poes

no clue who you talking about

ivor_jules replied 2268 days ago

Goodluck with the exams , hope to see you soon .

Same to youu ?

I'm sure we'll make plans ?

ivor_jules replied 2295 days ago

Are you and your father close ?

Very complicated story this

ivor_jules replied 2305 days ago

Who was your first girlfriend ?

I haven't had one yet, believe it or not

ivor_jules replied 2305 days ago

Do you miss any of your old friends ??

I don't really recall losing any recently. ?

ivor_jules replied 2320 days ago

I miss you , happy birthday . ??

Hmu then ?? thanks btw ❤️

ivor_jules replied 2325 days ago

What you looking for in a girl ?

think I answered this already. Ask me again if you don't find it

ivor_jules replied 2329 days ago

Any special girlie?

Naaah ?

ivor_jules replied 2329 days ago