why dont u wna tell ur boo*ie size?
if we were close you'd know
dose ur bf hv a huge ****?
mas*ive mate mas*ive
whats ur bra size?
hv u nd craig f***ed yet?
in ur bed hah oops
what did u do 2day?
why do u care lol
yalaaaa uploadssss
cant wait
i know, my life is so interesting and exciting like
hahaha did it turn out good?
yes hahaha i'm quite proud of us actually it was a f***ing pain in the as*, going to upload photos of our victory..stay tuned folks
i hope the best for her :)
thank you so much :)
whaat u do today se*ii?
me and craig built a bed i bought from ikea took like 7 hours :( haha
is ur mom better now?
yeah she is but not amazing
do u ever see your mum?
for a couple weeks in the summer
what did you do yesterday???
went to casa latina in barsha with mattie and met some cool people was fun
i really hope this isnt too personal but you dont have to answer, i'm just curious, howcome you live with your nana? I really hope I'm not being rude or too personal sorry if i am :s
Haha no it's not rude or too personal you don't have to sorry at all hah
um long story short my mom was going through a rough time when i was younger and has a lot of problems so moved in with nana-and i never met my dad so he's not part of the picture so yea moved in with nana banana and moved here and here we are now :)
who are ur 5 best friends that are girls?
holy jamalama i am dying
wht r u gna sneak out to do this weekend? :o
do you
when i say dreams i mean wet dreams
hahah good to know
sometimes i have dreams about u and me in bed is that weird?
yay so cute love u guys <3
we love u 2 haha wait who are u
why did u change ur fb pp ?
i don't know i like to switch them around sometimes but dw dw ill put the two cuties that were there before back up soon ;)
does se* for the first time hurt? :(
ivy can be contained until about 12
i know who this is..
hahaha so baaaddas* ivoo sneeaking out this weekend?
yessir :)
why r yu always grounded?
cus im a badas* mothe f***er that's why
um no, it's usually cause me and my nana fight a lot and her main punishment is grounding me for a weekend--but ivy cannot be contained thus i sneak out every single time
hows everything with u atm?
i'm alive i could do with a chocolate milkshake though :/
for how long?
till the 6th of september
summer plans?
umm nothing too exciting, going dallas then to colorado and there have to get a job and work for a month that's about as much as i know :(
and make u fall in love
do it :)
if i could write u a song
if you could...?
Have u ever s*cked a ****? :p
my own
what's Nala?
my friends dog
seeing craig at some point am sure ;) ?
i am el grounded so i dono ha
babe, wht do u like the most HJ or BJ ?
kinda same to me
if u a hoe u a hoe
that was fast hahahaha
OMG! you are so preeeeettyyy!!!!
thank you soo much :*
wht u doin this weekend ?
no but seriously i have no plans but as long as i'm hammered at some point i'm satisfied
who are your closest friends
im not answering this cause i will leave someone out and feel like a Dic*KKK
who do you think the hater is??
i really couldn't give a flying giraffe abortion
do you think the hater is sherry?
noooo definitely not haha
what are you doing this weekend can we hang out????
um i don't know who you are?
Whats wrong Ivy? is your mouth really free nowadays?is that why you talk shi* about Shereen? What, is Dic* s*cking season over already? Shame.
i know man best season ever it\'s okay 7bb it\'ll come again next year and WE CAN s*ck Dic*S TOGETHER!
Haha ivy ur so preti, :) gud luck when you go to american university of sharjah, i heard its really cool, all my friends alsp went to an**
u r funny and i think i love you
Nobody loves you, filthy *****, your sense of humour is childish to say the least, f***ing tumblr, hehe sloths cool funnty hehe, smoke wee yolo, die you child.
hahahahahaha oh i love you
who inspires you?
first thing that comes to mind is joan jett
you have such good taste in music wtf
thank youuuuuuuu
i will give you something to be scared abt frenchie
craigs midget
se*y midget mm
adidas or nikeeeee
i like both but i guess i own more nike things than adidas
how r ur gcses so far
this year i've only taken my B2 exam and i got a B
ur very purtay xx
thanks :*
aw thts very mature of u
want the people i care about to be happy really, thank you x
idk im askin u
no it doesn't, he should spend time with people he enjoys to be around :)
doesnt it bother u tht ur bf still hangs with his ex :s ?
should i be bothered really
omg thts so awesomee well good luck x
u do scuba diving a lot :o
hahaha, it's cus im training to get my license so i do it every week
whaat u doin this weekend??
emmmmm, thursday scuba w julia, then maybe seeing mattie for a bit then wild wadi with netball team hahaha(gay)
friday not sure yet but hoping it involves excessive amounts of drinking
ur mouth is fine soo dont worry xx
gee thanks hahaha
omgg toes are f***ing annoying i hate mine :(
hahahaha exactly
like whaat?
my laugh is embarras*ing, i have a weird toe and my i hate my mouth there's so many more things but whatever life goes on ;)
is there anything about yourself ur insecure bout?
loooaaaaads, i hate it :(
tell miaiaaia to go her qoooh
fo sho
are you russian?xxxx
How big are your t*** love?
How big are your breasts ?
who says 'breasts'? hahahahaha GAY
But I love my v***** 95 % of the time !
Sometimes my v*****s my worst enemy! :p
maybe you should change se*
I don't imagine so ! Unless snow got on it ! Much easier than squatting like us ladies have to :(
yeah v*****s such a burden
But a p**** is super useful ! I wish I had one so I could write my name in the snow!
wouldn\'t that hurt though? hahahahaha p**** freeze :(
Do u sometimes wish you had a p**** ?
How big was the biggest u have seen?
my own, obviously
Foreskin or no foreskin?
a p**** is a p****
its good to have a bit of confidence just not too much cause then u get cocky nd thts just annoying agree?
i agree :)
i'm not being cocky, i was just answering the question
youre not pretty though..
life goes on
why did meg delete all her shi*? (facebook and tumblr)
because she's such a good lil gurly and is focusing on revisionnnn.
whats maxences qooh?
ask him on fb? or stalk his profile, i don't know his qooh off by heart sorry
first girl ive ever heard actually say like yeah i think i'm pretty, some girls say 'idk i guess' but it's nice to actually see a girl that can actually be confident, you're a great role model ivy! :-) haha btw you're gorgeous x
no girl should ever think they aren't pretty :p
thank you soo much, you're very sweet :) xxxx
how was ur weekend wht u do?
thursday went scuba with juju, then had some drinks at vista with victoria and some nice new people i met
friday went to movies with craig and got hammered at hard rock cafe with him and his parents, so fun hehe
saturday went to megsons and watched movies etc :) ver chill
do u think ur pretty?
well i try, so yeah i do--always good to have confidence in yourself no matter what!
wht u gonna study in aus?/
i'm going in undeclared am just gonna study maths, english, arabic heritage and maybe something in ecology haven't put in my clas*es yet
y ru goin to aus next year?
umm, because it's basically free i'm transferring after two years so.. yeah that's about it
do u speak spanish?
a bit
where are you frommmm x
America but half mexican
do u think u n craig will last long ?
yes, why?
middle name?
alexandria, i know it's weird ok but deal