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Jasmin Becket


27 Replies

What do you need to get off your chest?

my bra

jaasbecket replied 3143 days ago

How do you plan on ending this year ?

drunk as fk with the best people i know!

jaasbecket replied 3413 days ago

Whats your addiction?


jaasbecket replied 3434 days ago

Battery percentage on your phone?


jaasbecket replied 3435 days ago

What is your idea of living the good life?

making decisions without thinking first, and just going for it. get drunk, go partying, listen to music and spend your life with the best people and have no regrets.

jaasbecket replied 3437 days ago

If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?


jaasbecket replied 3444 days ago

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?

Mummie & Daddies

jaasbecket replied 3461 days ago

I didn't say you were a ****, I said you act like one you idiot.
I've already seen your nudes. And I know for a fact my A$$ and t*** are 100 times better then yours. Your t*** are saggy lol
Nothing to be jealous of

number one rule of the internet, NEVER say hateful things to someone or bully them. it can ALWAYS be tracked fkhead. & don't be jelllllllyyyyyy! someone has some insecurities

jaasbecket replied 3464 days ago

Why do you think you have a good body lol? And why do you always say you have a 'big b**ty'? Sorry babe. But I've seen your A$$ and you have nothing. Idk why you always try talk yourself up. You act like a s.lut

I assume you insult me to feel good about yourself, correct? acting like a **** includes having $exual activities ($ex) with numerous people, and I, do not. and pm me and i shall send you a picture of my 'nothing' if you like? don't be jealous though, clearly are if you take the time out of your day to send this

jaasbecket replied 3464 days ago

DD-E? Hahahahahahqhaha wtf is wrong with you. You're like a C-D, fkn idiot

i have a picture of my t*** if you want me to upload them? i dont fit into bras & things DD or cotton on bodys DD ty

jaasbecket replied 3464 days ago

hows the body progress??

Actually really good! training tonight again. sliming down to my natural shape, small waist, big thighs, big boo*s and a hella big b**ty. ;) and its a natural b**ty. don't have to squat .

jaasbecket replied 3465 days ago

acceptmy insta request

only accept people i like, don't want no stalkers seeing my glamorous pictures.

jaasbecket replied 3465 days ago

what do you think of jealousy

Well, jealousy is a curse. and most people who say others are jealous of them, are usually the ones who are jealous. jealousy also comes with being obsession, and i can tell you, i know a few people like that hahahaha

jaasbecket replied 3465 days ago

What is your motto?

ill slit your throat.

jaasbecket replied 3466 days ago

What is your idea of perfect happiness ?

couldn't write it on here bahahahah!! bit illegal

jaasbecket replied 3473 days ago