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Ask away guys ;) <3

144 Replies

Thoughts on Marty?

he is a really nice guy, first we started off as besties now his my bro. hehe nah but he is fantastic. xx don't want to loose him. !!

jacintaa123 replied 4541 days ago 1 1

I'm going to have to step out of this world then come back in because I think I just met the girl of my dreams. <3 you beautiful babe, your the only one I want, the one I need. xoxo

Naw, :') but I have the most amazing boyfriend and I honestly don't want to change a thing, sorry. who's this ??


jacintaa123 replied 4545 days ago

well we had se*.

gosh man you must be a attention seeker by saying you guys had se*, maddy would not of had se* . f*** you ****

jacintaa123 replied 4545 days ago

what I'm being honest she is a total f***ing slu*, we had se*. not even joking.

your a f***ing **** who can\'t think of anything better to do then spread rumors.

jacintaa123 replied 4546 days ago

maddy Campbell is a slu*. f*** man.

your a f***ing slu*, f*** man and firstly she hasn\'t had se*.
ntake your name off anon you f***ing dumb **** and don\'t go spreading shi* saying that she has had se* by calling her a f***ing slu*. and you by saying that and it\'s not even true obvisily your jealous, Jealousy is a curse Bit**.

jacintaa123 replied 4546 days ago

Kyle from year 6 , he told me he likes you.

he dosent, i know he dosent but if he does ok. :/

jacintaa123 replied 4546 days ago

honest thoughts in Shanae Kelly, Olivia Thomas, Maddy Campbell, Teah Voss , Hayley Windsor, Renee Todd, Sophie Collison, Angie Field? be 100% honest because I honestly think they are ALL slu*s.

Um f***, you must have some problems if you think there all slu*s. gosh man.

Shanae: she is just amazing and no words could ever describe how much she means to me, honestly she is beatiful, I love her <3
Olivia: OMG she is mind blowing I freakin love her as well of all the girls, Olivia is amazing and is so beyond pretty, beautiful. I love her so much <3
Maddy: it's like having another sister, we're so close and I don't want to loose her ever, I honestly don't know what I'd do without her, we have so much fun together and I tell her everything and she tells me envy thing I love her so so so much <3
Teah: she is my bestfriend and I love how we have those 'talks' together. <3
Hayley: Hayley is super beautiful and she has a great personality, people spread rumored bout her to make her look bad but honestly she is a really nice person and can't wait till she comes to manors. <3
Renee: from what i have heard she is just simply amazing and I've seen her pics and she is BLOODY BEAUTIFUL. she has an awesome personaltiy and omg is just freakin AMAZING <3 can't wait till she comes to manors. <3
Sophie: I know her but not well she is fabulous and is just beautiful, she has a good personality and I would love to get to know her more. <3
Angie: Angie is just simply beautiful, I love eyes and I would love to get to know her more aswell, honestly she's fantastic <3

jacintaa123 replied 4546 days ago 1

I will treat you like an angel if you give me that one chance. please babe?

I've already got a boyfriend who treats me like an angel. so no. who's this?" :/

jacintaa123 replied 4547 days ago

Jacinta, when we had that fight, I was broken, felt like I don't feel like I belonged here or anything. You honestly are the key to my heart! Ÿour my best friend wait more like sisters I never want to loose you again <3 I love you maddy13xo

maddy , when I see you you better have something to keep you standing because I'm going to give you the biggest hug ever, <3 I love you gorgeous and I was legit heartbroken, I would of seriously killed myself if I actually lost you forever, and I'm happy we're sisters again and we started talking again every word we said actually put a piece of my hear in place, you were the missing peice in my life when we were fighting, I never knew how amazing you actually were until I relized, you have true beauty and I love you forever and ever <3 I never want to loose you again either <3

jacintaa123 replied 4548 days ago 1

honestly, you are just mind blowing. keep ur head up high and keep carring on. no need to worry about the haters because then they will be waiting in the line waiting for you to care. your beautiful and no one should tell you different <3 xx


naaw thanks, xx who's this?


jacintaa123 replied 4549 days ago 3

See ya tomorrow ;))) <3 maddy13xo

yeeaaah buddy ;) <3 did grace end up getting the text. ?

jacintaa123 replied 4549 days ago 2

you've changed into a slu* hunny, once you met maddy Campbell you've changed. stay away from that Bit**.

youve changed hunny, once you turn yourself off anon. you\'ll see how much I\'ve changed. MADDY CAMPBELL IS f***ING AMAZING AND SAY THIS shi* TO ME ONCE MORE ILL FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE AND f***ING pOUND YOUR FACE IN Bit**. maddy actually has friends and ps. I havnt has se* love. so f*** OFF ****. also, maddy is beautiful, more then you\'ll ever be and she isn\'t a low life like you. take yourself off anon and say it hore, f*** you. xx

jacintaa123 replied 4549 days ago 4

honestly, you are just mind blowing. keep ur head up high and keep carring on. no need to worry about the haters because then they will be waiting in the line waiting for you to care. your beautiful and no one should tell you different <3 xx

aww honestly who ever this is , you just out a smile on my face. thank you. <3

- haa who's this ? haha ????

jacintaa123 replied 4549 days ago

About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all.

So true, who's this.?

jacintaa123 replied 4549 days ago

You are seriously the definition of sporty. your a real quick chick. I saw you at athletics today. and your really hot. Keep ur running up girl.

um thanks you

jacintaa123 replied 4550 days ago