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jack modderkolk


Ask me anything you like anonymously

2.7k Replies

dump kiara so we can have *ex thnx xx

hahah kys. xx

jack.modderkolk replied 3769 days ago 1

Fav year 9's?

kiara xx

jack.modderkolk replied 3769 days ago

Would you ever date a girl in year 7 or 8? xx

mmm yeah maybe idk

jack.modderkolk replied 3769 days ago

Would you date a chick with no boo*s

yeah, its not all about the boo*s m8

jack.modderkolk replied 3769 days ago 1

Has anyone told you yet that Meg cheated on you about 20 times when use we're going out? Hahaaa

yeah prob

jack.modderkolk replied 3769 days ago

Sarah Riddle?

glad im friends with her again, idk why we hated each other in the first place, if anything i was in the wrong, but yeah im happy that we sorted things out, she's a nice gal and very funny heheh

jack.modderkolk replied 3769 days ago 1

Thoughts on bobbi ?

cute, gonna be a hottie when shes older, really nice!

jack.modderkolk replied 3769 days ago 1

Do you like girls with big boo*'s?


jack.modderkolk replied 3772 days ago

You are fukn *exy

not sure if srs

jack.modderkolk replied 3772 days ago

Thoughts on red knob

sick dawggg funny as ****

jack.modderkolk replied 3772 days ago

Hottest girls from each year

7- holly, bobbi 8- bonnie, nikola 9- kiara 10- georgia, bronte, charlee, tamara maddy 11- maicie, tayla, tayla B, jasmine, molly 12- kate and libby

jack.modderkolk replied 3772 days ago 1

Fav year 10 girls and boys?

all of them really

jack.modderkolk replied 3772 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

jmac cos i feel sorry for the c u n t

jack.modderkolk replied 3797 days ago 1

did you go out with georgia mcGrath ages ago?

no hahah why

jack.modderkolk replied 3800 days ago

Don't **** in my pocket and tell me I feel in mud

dont piss in me pocket and tell me its raining

jack.modderkolk replied 3811 days ago