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not sure
never get in one lol
thankyou so much! inbox me who you are! :)
dunno haha
don't be sorry about asking! you should inbox me! :)
um I actually have no idea!
more then likely
clare, trav young. Kolbe, know one is super tank. frane, no idea lol and manex troy mcgill
i couldn't give a **** to be honest
you're * and I don't know what ya on about lol
no idea!! :/
chloe Wilkins, aoife hanna, and that's all I know haha
comes naturally ;)
every day! accept your mum beats it for me
I have a feeling you may be ruby or jess
her boyfriend is travis young. what is your name?
the hots... hahahahahahahahahahahahah.
and know I don't she has a boyfriend
I used to, not any more :)
there is a few, ryan odel probs has the musclest arms, but he has a skinny side to him. trav young has got hight about him and he's pretty muscly. and troy McGill would be up there aswell :)
who the f*** is that! hahaha
no point being frustrated :) you have to live with what you have got :)
that is true yea
she's really nice! and I enjoy talking to her at school :) and I have know idea what she looks like! tallish I spose lol
frustrated wouldn't be the word. I am sad about it and I wish I could do the things that every one else can do but I don't get frustrated exactly
tbh, he's a great guy! get on with him real well! he's probs my favourite year 8 in my homeroom :)
I don't judge, I just like to know. you can see some one so you know automaticly with out thinking about it. I cant see so when people guide me I get my interpretation of a visual impretion of them "tall or short" "big or small" etc
not bad! yourself? :)
I have actually know idea! I know your little but that's about it :P
how are ya buddy! :)
how are ya goin ordy!!
thanx buddy! :)
why don't you just click show user profile, save you from telling me who you are haha
really good at guitar! known the kid for ages! great to chill with and we had a blast in Sydney :)
callum who??? I know a lot of callums
because obviously it was good seeing them??? haha
she's a great chick! love talking to her :) wish I saw her more in person but!
I don't think I am hated by many people. I try to be nice to every one :)
no idea haha
thanx buddy! means lots!
ah there is a couple ;)
no, but I like it when people guide me because I know strait away if they're are fat or skinny, tall or short, have a good body, etc etc
my computer and phone talk to me :)
why thankyou! means lots! inbox me :)
thanx bud! :)
if that's what you think haha
nah haha
very true!
dunno what your on about haha
it isn\'t the best mate haha