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Lishman making stuff up
Nice person, "grouse" and plays basketball must be pro
No one
No one really XD
Moir wall farral kris bezzina
Jos and char
Getting less then a metre from Kobe Bryant
Stezzy, has good overalls, jungle giants
Lol I don't have one
Issy a Jos Kate Hannah Can't think
Funny likes nfl (go chargers) nice likes Beyoncé
Nice, good at just dance, funny
Funny, sporty, nice
Kris and jos
Funny, sporty , good to talk to
Funny as, balls hard, likes taking selfies on iPads in jbhifi
Harder than a hard ball
Funny, likes taking selfies in **** smith, easy to talk to
Good at coming up with book names, black (nuff said)
Issy a
That's good
K den
Funny, nice, likes basketball (always good) easy to talk to
Biggest babe, baller, funny
Haha hot, funny, nice, her eyes....
K den
Hahahahahah yeah Michael Jordan he will be starting on the bench though he's not very good
Hates horror movies, funny, easier to talk to, nice
Funny, nice, likes 1D, good friend
Sporty, good friend, nice
Issy Alannah Jos Kate Dunno 5th
Nice, funny, likes good music, good friend
Nup haha