nick nolte harr0
and nick nolte
your coot wanna root?
Do you like Shadow puppets <3
for your informatioonn anon, a lot of girls like seedyness so shuh. i think your cute jack
<3 <3
Jacku kun, please use a origami p**** to rape and call me sensai mulligun
hahahaha <3
have yall completed your onenote?
<3 <3
What size ROFLs do boys think are big? The rofls that are like ROFL or the rofls that are like ROFL
f*** yes
so hipsters annoy you
this isn't a question and I don't get it
what size boo*s are big to a guy?
big as in nice? or big as in what the f***
can i just say you are very attractive
I like to f*** you ex any thoughts about that?
cheers man
Why do you look like tom Brennan?
hey callan.
why the feck do you hate me?
well i dont know who you are..
how big is your Dic*? x
700 cm x