If you were stuck in elevator for 48 hours with 1 year 7 girl and boy who would you want it to be ?
I would never go in an elevator in the first place
A girl you would like to be best friends with in year 7
please say one girl
Um yeah no wtf
Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ?
I'd rather go do something better then answer this
Best compliment you ever received ?
Do you have a girl best friend?
Who it?
And if you don't who would be you girl best friend in year 7
please please say someone
I don't know haha
Thoughts and personality rate on;
Jacks Answer: But I'm not a rapper
i thought i was
a mother says "can you please rap the present"
the boy says "But im not a rapper"
is that what you were trying to say?
Um yeh no
Do you hate all the yr7 girl
and who dont you hate
please at lease say one person
anyone that's not in the 'popular group'
Thoughts and personality rate on;
Jacks Answer: But I'm not a rapper
sorry but i dont get that?
You obviously never seen it
Thoughts and personality rate on;
But I'm not a rapper
If you had to choose who you wanted to be in your class in year 7
Who would you choose and why?
My friends coz they're funny
Do you think that Olivier and all the other girls in year 7 that hang around her are 'popular'.
i don't i think there girls that are way up themselves and they think that the whole world revolves around them
what do you think.Do you agree with me?Yes or No?
Doesn't bother me ;)
did you know i was going to do the same thing but with my sister :)
I'm loving you profile pic :)
Ok who are you?
Don't talk much but seem pretty cool :)
Rate yourself out of 10
What type of people bore you ?
Younger people
What do you want right now ?
A lot of things ;)))
What is one thing u could not live with out? XxXMarleyXxX
Me boyz
How do you deal with someone with bad breath?
Most annoying thing ever
What activity always makes you lose track of time?
Literally xbox
Do u regret u and monae relationship because no offence but she is a bit of a *****
Everyone has their moments
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
Dunno actually
Which 2 arnt stuck up
Oh my god go away!
Name the 2 people who u think aren't stuck up
Why? I like don't even know any girl in yr7
Name the two who aren't stuck up no one will be offended
Wow ahahah
Thoughts on Skylar
I haven't seen her in ages soo
Do you hate every girl in yr 7 even the ones at albury and Murray and James
Do I know a girl in yr7 at murray or James?
thoughts and rate on grace, Millsy and monae
Why do you hate the girls in year seven so much
Cause they're all stuck up except for like 2
If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?
$7.50 so probs sad
If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?
Fav person in year 8 and 9?
Yr8 not sure and yr 9 Jarvis or Mason
What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?
Well a take showers soo
Fav family at xhs?
Salcedo Bruz
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
Two fav girls in year 8&7
Year 8 - monique and idk || yr 7 - no
What profession would you not like to do?
Afl player/soccer player
who do u miss talking to or being friends with
Pre School friends lol
Fav girl from AHS?
Yeah no
Best moment of your life?
Winning the grand final last year
Something you regret buying and why ?
Kobe 9's cause I only used them once
If you could, would you move schools?
Oh probably not but I have a fair few good friends at Murray ;)
What was your first cellphone ?
iPhone 4
That last one shows how insecure people are lol
Ikr hahah
You think you can get any girl you couldn't get veedz and u can't even get a year 7 girl s*ck
Is this a troll question?
If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?
All the girls hate u cause of how u act with a girlfriend we have all heard things from shep and monae
Yeah I solemnly care about girls in yr7
Best friend that's a boy and best friend that's a girl
Don't have one
Hot or not
grace y
Chelsea w
Riley m
Imogen m
Monae sc
Annie b
Chelsea b
Lulu g
Ciara m
Mia d
really wanna know?
What could you talk about forever?
How Pacquiao beat mayweather
Hey mate, how ya goin'?
Good thanks yourself!!!!!!!!
Top 5 girls as friends
Well like they all hate me
You like grace y
Yep probably!