Hottest girls u hav met this yr?
sc me and I'll tell you ~ j.bastas02
You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?
Top 7 girl best friends not in order
Eliz, jeyda, Lara, parrah, Tirina , Jorja , and umut , on wait his a boy probably denaye
Why do you have that scar ?
What are you obsessed with?
Tom Beaton
When was the last time you got angry and why?
currently angry cos Chris Gayle is not aloud to play big bash anymore #DontBlushBaby
Top 3 girls based on how much you trust them ?
Eliz Paige and jorja
What do you want for xmas ?
someone , u know who
What got you upset recently?
not gonna say ?
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?
Who and when was your first kiss ?
last year
top 3 girl best friends
eliz, Paige and idk
best 3 girl friends
eliz , idk and idk
best friend as a girl
Eliz ❤️
U remind me of a freckled potato
cool dude
Paige M
Emily S
Eliz Paige and probs vic/jorja
sends the names again
Top 3 ?
Emily S
as in looks personality or what?
Eliz or Tarun
pfft definitely tarun, jks Eliz ❤️
How do you think you are most likely to die?
car accident
ly, cute , hottie , should catch up and bae ?
Why are you special ???
who said I was special
sht that was my friend writing that jack sorry dude tell anon to fck off she was being stupid, stay strong mate xo chelsea.moore
thanks chels xx
Quite frankly I'm a lot prettier than you and paige and Tina and tarrin and whoever else is sticking up for you. Because your teeth are munted, your freckles are munted and you are just munted. I can not tell you how much I honestly hate you
Anon, I'd like to see what you look like honestly. make sure you're perfect before trying to judge and bully others. Here's a little life lesson.. Grow the f uck up you immature mole. :) paigemantynen
thanks Paige ❤️❤️
U are actually the most gayest person on this earth f*****
u are actually the most low life f*****
Wtf your teeth look like a rabbit/alpacas teeth out together wtf
how about u grow a pair and put yourself off anon
and to top it off your a scooter f**
what's wrong with riding scooters f**
Stop taking the same gay selfies with that gay pouty girl face
stop being a low life f***** giving hate
your a flog ❤️
If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?
a lot , to much to say
do like tarrin ?
as a friend
Julz, I think you forgot to put yourself on anon
Thoughts on Chantelle Bogojevska
seem nice
any Spring / creek or Brook Siders you want to get to know?
idek who goes there
Best guy & girl friend
too hard to answer
Scale 1-10 how much do you love footy?
Thoughts on Chantelle b ??
Full last name , I know 2
cutie, ily, funny as , nice , good talks , and great sense of humour ❤️?????????
Are you single?
lmao yeah
wtf ur teeth
wtf your life
"u seen pretty confident" no fûcking sht idiot I wouldn't say it if I wasn't gay bo
if you think you seem confident take your self of anon , let's see how confident you are now
Lol its not Tarrin I hate that btch
who is it then
Lol you lead me on then leave me like legit then you say sht behind my back alright then Idk why I wasted so much time on you.
hey tarrin
Guess a few girls
nah just message me , idc who's r
I know someone who has feelings for you again
lmao who
Lmao tarrin or tina? - stiffany
Anon fck off and leave jack alone if your gonna be an A$$ take yourself off anon alright tarrinnn
thanks tarrin
seem confident don't you
Your legit so ugly like wtf
take your self off anon
Are u coming tlsc because if u are please do not cause no one wants u there
you seem pretty confident, how about take yourself of anon your diçkhead , and I'm not going to tlsc
Why do u have so much freckles
why r u so much of a flog , see works both ways doesn't it
Fàggot omfg
your so nice ;) , you flog
your the ugliest cûnt I've ever seen
fk off muppet
Describe your life in 3 words
eat , sleep, footy
Thoughts on Eliz
nice , cute , funny , should talk more , cc with Lucas
I said I don't go on this much but I really need to get this threw your head, I think your really hot, your hair is goals, your eyes are pretty, I love you - vic
omg piss off its not vic
who do you like
cause I'm gonna tell everyone on here , msg me , idc who u are
Is your year going great ?
I guess so I think
good to talk to, Nice as,funny, good to talk again been there for me for ages, good memories, exited to see you on Friday x :)
tell Adam to stop pretending to be me vicfoti
I did
It is so fcking obvious you write all of your questions like fcking hell man your a fcking tb, seriously your an annoying little fck.
what do you mean write all your questions? your calling me a tb and your hating on people ahaha
Hot or not ??
Chels .m
Emily . R
Emily . S
Yeh , nah , ehh , ehh , cute , yeh , cute . noooo , yeh sorta , sorta
Wow everyone needs to get a life and stop judging jack for sht sakes it's not like he did anything to you
ty , msg me pls
Wth you're hooking up with Lara
wtf no ahhahahahha
So much hate for noting
haha ik msg me
Are you in a relationship
nope. Single
Lol anon, you seem pretty confident about yourself, why not get off anon? Are you scared? t.kogioumtzis
I know tru
F uck off anon, you worthless piece of s hit. Don't talk to jack like that, hes way better than you, you low life. You sound like you're 10 anyways, lmfao grow up. paigemantynen
aww thanks Paige ☺️
you ducking think ur the best at foot ball and your footy collages are gay AF
thanks man , how bout you grow some balls And put yourself off anon u fàggot
u are the ugliest thing I have ever seen, in your qooh me dp u look like u have been beaten up bye a rapest and have a giant wedgy and have constipation issues. U think your hot when your ugly af and u are trying to hard and srsly get a fcking life
fk off , you little shît , your telling me to get a life and what are u doing, your giving hate , on qooh me -.- , so your get a life, when did I say I thought I was hot, I'm not hot I know I'm ugly lol , and learn how to spell
thoughts on ash scerri?
tbh don't really know u , but seem nice and pre cute
Thoughts on Elli
good at netball, nice , funny miss u, should talk more
Thoughts on parrah
really nice , pretty, sweet , funny and hopefully we get closer and msg me now xx
thoughts xx
who is this? haha
Victoria loves you , she reckons your hot and cute, even ask her she likes you, she wants to date
hey Adam
I like your nipples
bahah lol
What do you want right now ?
a kfc crusher
your so hot
message me , jackk_26 xox
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
idk, haven't really watched any this year
eww Paige , nah jks.
funny,pretty , nice , good water girl
What could you talk about forever?
Footy ❤️
Nah you don't know me ;))) I know your friend
which friend do u know?
Thoughts on loz
Tank , God , gun at footy and a good kid
Do you have a gf? Cause your hottt ;))
nah , who is this ? message me x