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jacque nel


You're here for something? Go ahead. Entertain me

648 Replies

What made you happy today? 100+

A full nights sleep

jacque.nel replied 2307 days ago

What should people stop buying?


jacque.nel replied 2320 days ago

What is the smartest thing you've ever done?

Dated my girlfriend

jacque.nel replied 2341 days ago

What are you sick of trying to explain to people?

That my past is my past and that I’ve changed

jacque.nel replied 2346 days ago

Who is the most famous person you have met?


jacque.nel replied 2350 days ago

Your greatest accomplishment?

Going clean and staying clean?

jacque.nel replied 2379 days ago

What is the dumbest thing you have done today?

Trusted google maps??‍♂️

jacque.nel replied 2392 days ago 1

What is the worst decision you ever made?

There’s a few??

jacque.nel replied 2412 days ago

What did your last relationship teach you?

Even when everything seems great the little things could break it

jacque.nel replied 2417 days ago

What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?

I try not to lie

jacque.nel replied 2443 days ago

You are my world and my love xxx Purple.Unicorn


jacque.nel replied 2446 days ago

I love you xxx ? Purple.Unicorn


jacque.nel replied 2449 days ago

You’re a f*****

You must be in the closet?? and pray tell what makes you think of me as that?? better style than you or better looking than you??

jacque.nel replied 2449 days ago

Would you sleep with your sister?

You’re sick

jacque.nel replied 2449 days ago

What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?

A lot

jacque.nel replied 2463 days ago