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Aww omg that's pretty sweet of you. And so very true x
Omg how did you know. Top 5 in order barking like a dog making whale noises purring like a cat roar like a lion squark like a bird. I love this it brings so much into the bedroom
Not that its your business but he will not be going back to his biological mother he is with his mum already! My parents are amazing just like everyone else in our lives.
Omg! you cant be for real. I get 1 tattoo a year! Logan has everything he needs and more. He comes first. And heaven forbid once in awhile I would like to do something for myself.
And im engaged whats the difference. There is nothing going on!
I have never nor ever wanted to sleep with jason. Thi gs have never been like that. I classed him as a close friend and miss him dearly. But he loves akashia more than he valued our friendship =)
Of course I do =) What a silly question. Have you not seen the ring on my finger. That actually means something to me
Weirdly enough I dont really have a fantasy. Very satisfied with my s e x life
Why make up so many bull**** stories!
Why would I have gotten him taken off me??? If you want to know my personal life how about you message me? im happy to tell you
Haha. Ahwel you get that. =)
They must not be a good friend if they dont know already or just want me to spill it all for everyone to know
Well logan is 8 months old so you work it out. =)
Thanks beautiful! I got you a good one yesterday
Yes he is!
Lime green!
Not sure what are you making?