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It's not even that bad you sook
Is that a serious question? All we do it kiss
**** Kingy, marry Cam and kill...oh...
No I'm too scared, don't tell anyone
Is there a fourth option?
She's ok, nah she's a lovely woman!
Well let's not make things difficult..
Salmon lyf
I love Sami Holt forevs
J King is my main gurl, I love her ❤️ Srsly
Aw anon you're making me blush ❤️
I did Raaach
You want a job? I'm not employing at the moment sorry?
Bit of a cocky skipbo player, but has nice eyes.
Do they have an impact on yours?
The bed would be most conventional, the floor only if swept, the couch is dependent on the cushions and the shower is like it's constantly raining, silly options.
That is an impossible choice to make..
Likes to use Facebook an exorbitant amount.
Secrets never stay secrets Middz!
I got it from my mama
I think you've proved that point Middz!
Way of life, if you've got it then you've got it!
I'm down
Hop on the good part
What is this exyyy you speak of?
Dropping x's? Take me out to dinner first mate!
Would be good at ball if the man could sink one every once in a while, or ever.. Yeah we will stick with ever
Gets me through the day!
The Summerfields are so pretty. Ryan lags behind a little (but there's always that one child)
I hope my response to this completed you day, month, year even! ❤️
Anything with Rachel and I would be fantastic, am I wrong? Don't be silly, I'm not wrong.
Perfect child, makes me laugh.
I wish, I just couldn't step it up!
Don't act like were not a thing..
So are you captain anonymous
Feel ya bby
Skipbo talent, UNO master..that sort of thing
The Witchells are baben ;)
Ily Jake ❤️
Is that you mum?
Marry Deano ❤️
My love for Jake shall not be spoken of publicly.
Personal choice really!
So I'm better at hide and seek, lol.
Things are getting a bit heated..
7 and a half dolphins out of the said 10 dolphins, that is all.