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triple dare you :*

1.5k Replies

Why are you so cute??? Also liam is a f*****


jadehowell_ replied 2494 days ago

What's the worst present you've ever received?

Not really a present but I once got a prayer written on a piece of paper for Halloween

jadehowell_ replied 3098 days ago

What is something very few people know about you?

That I love science and maths

jadehowell_ replied 3105 days ago 1

What did you last Google ?

The weather for Surf Camp ?

jadehowell_ replied 3178 days ago

What was the last movie you watched? What'd you think of it?

Baby Mama was v funny

jadehowell_ replied 3194 days ago 1

What's one thing you wish you could do every single day?

Boats and hoes

jadehowell_ replied 3197 days ago 1

What were you not prepared for?

The ending to Tokyo Ghoul √A

jadehowell_ replied 3201 days ago 2

Whats annoying you right now?


jadehowell_ replied 3207 days ago 1

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Baggy top

jadehowell_ replied 3214 days ago 2

What was the best compliment you've ever received?

Anything in relation to my eyebrows warms my heart

jadehowell_ replied 3221 days ago 2

Why is your head so big?

Thing called genetics you senseless fck :~)

jadehowell_ replied 3227 days ago

What was your first relationship like?


jadehowell_ replied 3228 days ago 2

Why aren't you famous?

Because I haven't married Ricardo yet

jadehowell_ replied 3229 days ago 1

What offends you ?

People that sing out of key, so much heartache

jadehowell_ replied 3234 days ago

What do you have no time for?

Dark Souls

jadehowell_ replied 3237 days ago