Jade Snashall
How can you be a better person?
Try being a good person
What are you afraid to admit you don't understand?
Life science
Shame you're friends with Chelsea.
What were you doing seven years ago?
Well since I was like 8 I was playing Barbie with Matilda ??
Which word have you started using a lot lately ?
I wish I never knew you you are such a liar and a fact so stay away from my friends
No one said you had to stay in my life like you can fck right off I probably don't even like you and I will hang out with who ever the fck I want. So how about you leave me alone ??????
How much do you have in your bank account ?
Like R00.00
Who the fck are you you think you a big shot but you not you just a fat fcker that eats junk food. Btw every word out of your mouth is a joke and is a load of bullsht
That's such a cool story ? Did it take your stupid A$$ a year to come up with that ?
What are you sick and tired of?
Being tired
What makes your life worth living?
What's the dumbest rumour you've ever heard about yourself?
I've heard a lot
I want you in my bed tonight
Awww that's cool
I miss you please come visit ??
DM me and I will see if I can ??
You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?
What will your child's name be ?
Alexis Jane
I love you???
I love you to
What is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?
If you take you pocket out your pocket make sure it's wearing a hat
What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?
I don't know
What are you looking most forward to in 2017?
That it will be the end of 2016??
What do you think of your brother's girlfriend?/
She's stunning and amazing person ?
What have you never truly gotten over?
A person
I love you snashall?❤❤❤?
And to that oe asking stupid A$$ pointless questions please do all of us a favour and fck off.
I love you to
Sit on my face
Dude get a life you sht head
Come eat my dck
Thanks but no thanks... I've already eaten
Why are you not a millionaire?
I security am but shhhh
Hey there , do u wanna fck sometime? I'll eat u
Hey there, I don't unlucky for you ?
What people do you miss not things???
You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?
An iPhone
If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?
Wonderland - because everyone will wonder where it is and it will be wonderful and why the fck not?
Love you ??
Love you to??
What or who , do you think about the most ?
What was your first kiss like?
It was okay ??
Who is this jared that everyone is talking about ? ....! And Cam thompson ?
They people ??
What do you envy about the opposite $ex?
They don't get periods
I miss you. Love you ?
I miss you to, I love you to (btw I will see you tomorrow)?
What's stopping you from being the best version of you?
Food ?
What are you obsessed with right now?
Nothing ?
Hi it's Jamie lee plz unblock me
No... if you need to say anything you say it on here or to my face
Jade yo fcking hooked up with a youtuber . Well done girl
Ummm thanks ??
At the end of the world or the last thing you see, what would your one wish be right there?
I don't know
Y so beautiful❤❤❤?
Why so sweet??
Jared cardona or cam Thompson?
None of the above
What are you most afraid of losing?
My hair
If you were a superhero, what would you call yourself?
Fantastic women ??
If you would hook up with a black guy
Depends who the guy is
What are you tired of seeing on social networks?
Those "if you don't share this you will die" or "don't share this and you have 7 years of bad luck" and pictures of animals that have been abused
I'm just asking , an answer would be nice
What questions did you want to know the answer to?
Beautiful best friend?how's these owes on here??love you Aubrey
I love you to schoeman❤ and you're the beautiful one- I miss you
Last 23 messages from same person
Some one needs a hobby
Pretty pretty
Same person
Well then thank you
No, numb nut, well spotted. It wasnt a question, it was an indication for evan.
Like 6 people
Guess what... Same person
That's cool?
Would you hook up with a black guy ?
Why do you want to know?
Which word do you misspell a lot ?
Every word ??
Who were u hooking up with at party in the park?
Why do you care?
Evan please
That's not a question
Have you ever hooked up with someone. If so name the most recent ones !
I have and I don't kiss and tell?
Excuse me, she did not ask for your opinion - please show me where is says "anonymous's opinion" in that sentence ? Evangelista.g
No wonder you only like 6. 6 probably only like you. Why are you so rude? And you are only 15
If you rate so?
Dm is old and so are you (15)
What is something very few people know about you?
That I only like about 6 people
I wonder who's birthday is tomorrow...do you know Aubrey? ??
Yes it's mine?
Hey you there
I see you over there
Mmmmm lucky you ?
You put your condom on the wrong way
Oh sht I knew I did something wrong
Look... Stop being a reproductive organ head and love me
Dm and I will ?
What you did the other day was rude
I'm sorry ?
Jared cardona?
What about him?
What is the most embarrassing thing you had to tell your parents ?
I've told them lots of embarrassing stuff
What is even Hilcrest high? Never heard of it.
*Hillcrest - and it's a high school in Hillcrest
Well thank you peron I don't know but would like to know ??
Oh I'm stupid? Let's not even ague that when you're in the toom please
What who even are you?
What have you noticed about yourself recently?
I'm really really bad at maths, like fcken bad
I think I'm in love with you
That's so cute ?
Who are you and why did you start following me?
Well now let's not be stupid how am I suppose to know who you are if you don't tell me
What is your favourite slang word ?
Don't have one
Gorgeous Aubrey ❤❤
Say you ?
Gorgeous Aubrey ❤❤
I love you schoeman??
Have you ever been heart broken if so how did u handle it
I have and vodka ?
Which trend are you not into ?
The sleeping with a new guy every weekend even if you have a boyfriend trend x
You are really beautiful
Thank you x
Would you give a matric head?
How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?
I don't have a crazy ex