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Jaemee Agam


What do you want ✋

386 Replies

How did you meet your best friend ?


jaemeeagam.11 replied 2803 days ago

What are you looking most forward to in 2017?

Whats to look forward to?

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2829 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?


jaemeeagam.11 replied 2833 days ago

Why are you not a millionaire?

Dunno ..

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2839 days ago

how are you

Good wbu

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2841 days ago

You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?

Travel and share some for the poor ?

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2843 days ago

What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?

Everything I could

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2846 days ago

Who is your favorite person and why?

Dunno but probably bc they make me laugh all the time x

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2849 days ago

What does your name mean ?

Sharp intelligence & mental alertness

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2851 days ago 1

If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?

Good question.. Idk

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2855 days ago

What or who , do you think about the most ?

Just life overall in general

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2858 days ago

What was the last lie you told?

"Im fine"

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2862 days ago

What makes you instantly hate someone?

Hmm.. Better not say ?

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2867 days ago

Truthfully you are an amazing beautiful chick, who has an incredibly life, make sure not to let anyone put you down, keep your chin up stand tall and keep being such a beautiful person!!! ?

Very much appreciated xx

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2869 days ago 1

What makes you happy to be alive?

Close friends??

jaemeeagam.11 replied 2870 days ago