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Jaida Skinner


Lets be friends!

733 Replies

thoughts on me batch xxx jazmanspazman

****in' love you sluzza! Been So long since we've had a catch up and I actually miss you so much! Great to chill with, great personality, so funny, great sense of humour, just the best everrrr! Oh and that was me that drove past the other day that beeped and you were like wtf?! ahahahah. But yeah miss you heaps and catch up very soon because yeah I love you and all, so thats all I have to say about you so yeah lol bye ilz! xxxxx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3937 days ago

Sleepy soon please xx :(( Shelby_Hickman

V soon xxxxxxxx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3937 days ago 1

Thoughts on me silly xxx hodgeypodgey

Naw babes, I can't thank you enough for everything. You have made my live at Girton so much easier, and as you said you practically live at my house and wear all my clothes. I actually think that I have a closet at your house. About time you open up a draw for me to keep my stuff in ;) hehe You're such a beautiful soul and I don't know what I'd do with out you. We have became so close since I moved to Girton and I treasure our friendship dearly, even if we are a little crazy and *exual hahahha, I love you loads girl and can't wait for our sleepys to come this weekend! xxx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3939 days ago

I miss you :(( xxx Shelby_Hickman

I miss you as well, oh my god kms its been agers! :(( xxx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3939 days ago 1

thoughts? :) x hannahhg

Naw Han I actually miss how close we used to be. We've had out little hic ups but we've moved on from that. We don't really talk as much anymore but you're such a lovely girl, pretty, very funny, great sense of humour, and just v good to chill with before betty hehe ;) x

jaida_skinner19 replied 3942 days ago 2

thoughts? GeorgiaEdsallFrench

Haven't seen you in agers, very pretty, great to talk to, but the other day you got a bit lippy towards me and I got a little confused. But all is well I think. I miss you so much though xx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3942 days ago

Thoughts on Mack Wade? :)

I don't really know him that well, but he seems like a fairly caring guy, quite nice to talk to, good body, quite attractive and yeah. Wouldn't mind getting to know him better though :)

jaida_skinner19 replied 3945 days ago

Thoughts xx JackMurray

Jack, I actually miss you so much! We used to be so close in year seven and eight, you were always there for me and we'd have some pretty chill times when I was at bse ;) You're a great person to talk to about stuff, I can trust you with almost everything! But we need a catch up soon because I really miss you! xx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3945 days ago

Anon please **** off jaida is beautiful and i love her to bits and if she killed herself it would have a huge impact on me and my whole life. Abort yourself anon. Love you gorgeous. Xx

Naw this is really cute. Thank you, I appreciate it! You should probably inbox me though, just so I know who you are! xx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3945 days ago

Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?

None coz I don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend lol

jaida_skinner19 replied 3955 days ago

Thoughts on Brooke Sheppard?

Very pretty, great personality, really good to talk to, just perfect in everyway! I miss her heaps though, and would love to catch up with her soon xx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3955 days ago

Jaida I miss you so much :( We have to catch up soon! xxx Chloewitton

Aw Chloe I miss you too!! We will have a catch up very soon, its been agers!! ): xx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3955 days ago 1

Thoughts? ;) CarterGiles

Brother bear, I miss you heaps! Very nice young lad, great to talk to, can trust you with just about anything, and aw your fabulous! Ily! xx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3968 days ago

thoughts? xxx jess.webster

Jess oh my god you're sooooo pretty, like actually perfect!! You're so nice, great to talk to, such a little cutie and aw! Miss you xxx

jaida_skinner19 replied 3968 days ago

hey jaida <3 jeremy.parmenter

Hey jezza! <3

jaida_skinner19 replied 3969 days ago