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Forensic Anthropologist
my family & close friends
No worries :)
Haven't seen you in ages but we were close long ago and you can be haliarous :) you have the best personality!!
You are crazy and drive me crazy but I would never think about ditching you over the past year or 2 we have gotten a bit closer and no matter what I think of some of your choices i would never hate you for a second... You are a total babe and have the most strangest personality!!
You are a huge ****!! Nah you and I have been friends for as long as I can remember and no matter how long I don't talk to you when we chat again it's like no time has gone past :) we have fallen apart a bit lately :(
I hate saying nice things about you but you have been there though a lot of **** through the past 8 years and can make everything a laugh you have the most craziest ideas and you can be hilarious. I can trust you with most things and I know that you can be caring but also a massive ****!! But I am glad we are friends again