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Riley Marshall
Good person, dont talk much
Umm hahahahaa who is this?
Thanks ;(
ty thanks to josh for the shapn
n0p3 1 c4n'7
Sure who are ya?
haha no one
cant count, tooooo many
But, you're the little F U C K HEAD that has no life because you're talking all tough behind a ****ing computer screen. Get a life mate and you should consider killing yourself with a pencil. jokes..
who is this? ha
yeah true..
cool girl, nice and always happy ;)
nice, funny, always happy... (sometimes) xD and pretty :)
Hot - Hot - Not - Not - Not - Hot - Hot - Alright
France... um idk hahahhahahahahhaa
good thx :D
straton i think
why don't you show your name instead of being a little ***** and being on anon
yea once ha
Wut, haha? when and how
Sat next to Tom Haynes
idk :o cb stuffed.
I will <3
2 probs
Ummmm, idk
Riding at hunchback <3 haha
Ummmmm, yeah still do :) Thoughts: I don't wanna get into large detail because ummm well we are not going out and i don't wanna create this sweet article.. jokes hahahaha ;) Okay well she is an amazing girl, great to talk to, funny, attractive, smart and just.. An awesome girl :) One of my good friends :)
Abby. Jokes! All of them!!
.... Yeah hahahahahhahaha xD
Toooooooo many
No comment.
Okkkaaayyyyyyyyy, well I first met you kinda over kik... We talked and yeah... I had feelings for you, then after a while we really got to know each other from school and electronic machines :) Then Tom H and I like argued about you and he won :) ahahahhahaha but now we sit together in French and we really get to talk and yeah :) Anyway I think you're an amazing girl and easy to have a chat to! You're awesome! :)
This question.
idk... aha toooo many
No she is not mate ;l
No....... jokes yeah
Wings ;)
umm is this a compliment or are you being sarcastic....
what the ****... hahahahah no.
Sports and sleeping ;)
hot or not: Abby R- hot Zoe k- not Zoe L- not Jess H- alright Evie G- not Maddi C- hot Zoe J- not Jaide B- hot Amy- not Emma P- not Neve- not Simone- alright Tahlia- not Olivia- alright
Abby R and Jess H
Can't be stuffedhahahah your really nice and you can make a laugh out of anything so yeah ;)
cannnnnntttt be stuffffeeeeddddd! But anyway you're a pretty sick yad and ya are pretty cooooooll and yeah! ;) You are really nice toooo!
Well Simone...... we have gone through a ride hahahahahahahahah well ummm yeah ;) You are really nice, kind and always has a smile on your face that is awesome to see ;) Your pretty attractive too I guess ;)
sick chick!
Well, Jess I met you at cricket one day and i was like no WAY IS THAT JESS! Then after that day we skyped then after the the skyping and stuff I kinda liked you... Not like big feelings but yeah! ;p and then I started to talk to you and it was good. We just have been friends from then and yeah! It's been great! I also think you have a great personality and you are a sick guurl ;)
TBH, when I first met you (catholic orientation day) I didn't really realise that a girl that I would like so much was just there... Just there. Within 3 metres of me. So after a while I kinda just started talking to you and we became friends ;) It was cool and then I started to have friend feelings and they were little. Then after a while I started to like you. Then this one day I asked you out and you said no but we sorted that out and we are still friends!!!!!! So cool aye! I still like you and yeah! Anyway I think you have a great personality and you always make me laugh! You are so funny and you are just so siiiiiick! You are really attractive and you always have my back and I always have yours. Anyways sorry for the tbh but yeah! I am here if you need me ;)
hahhahahahaha I wish ;)
I don't hate yoU!!?!??!?!! omfg I just don't care...
Nah Abby! I will kill them for bagging you out! Got ya back ;)
stay or hollows
I just don't like you...