Are you and ross dating? If not, would you?
Nope but I would ✨
Would you kiss ross
Yeah ??
Did you and Ross hookup?
You fantasize about Ross's **** in your mouth
No ?
if their God was really 'all mighty' he would completely erase satan from existence, and don't get me started on how the earth is supposedly 6000 years old when science clearly proves the earth has been around for 4.5 billion years. (had to bandwagon?)
You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?
1. fetch amy and emily van wyk 2. go to amsterdam 3. BRANDY MELVILLE
What are you sick and tired of?
exams and the cold weather
One matric guy who always catches your eye?
mhmm he has no idea i exist so does it really matter ?
Favorite movie
the first time or behaving badly
have you ever had oral $ex and what was it like #truth
i have not
do you prefer dresses or shorts
dresses ?
Why are you atheist? Im not judging, im just curious if something maybe happened or what the reason behind it is?
my main reason i just think that if god was so mighty and " has a plan for you " why is there people starving or why is it wrong to be homo$exual if that was gods plan for you so it doesn't add up for me
what's your favorite drink
ice tea
what size shoe do you use
have you ever posted a pic of your toes
no ? ??
would you ever date a girl/woman
you are so gorgeous? would you date a girl
i'm flattered but i don't see myself with a girl ? have nothing against those who are but i wouldn't x
( I had to continue the religion rant, sorry) It's funny how they say being Christian or whatever will make you a good person but more often than not, they are judgemental. good for you for standing up for what you believe in.ypu slay
?? who is this ?
I saw some idiot bash you on you being an atheist. you are right. There is no problem with that. I used to tell people that I was atheist because I felt religion divided people and clearly this A$$hole proved that.
YES ???? thank you
Would you have $ex with a girl
do you have cute toes
thee cutest ???
It's really stupid that you're atheist. God gave you everything you have it didn't just fall out of the sky. Get saved and maybe you're life will be better.
i don't understand what's so bad about being atheist ? its not like we try convince you to become atheist, but it's not cool when you come bible bash us. we all believe in something different and that should be respected x
You and Ross still together?
we were never really together it was just a joke ??
Are you k**ky?
is it bad that im not sure which word you were trying to say ? ?
Instagram name x?
I hear you have a weakness for guys that likes waffles and oreo milkshakes??? That fact true?
it's true ??
Why are you so beautiful ?❤
why are you so sweet ?❤️❤️
Has your hair always been that color?
nope my hair is actually pretty dark
You still with rossie?
i dont know, I think so
Did u and Ross really break up
it's complicated
You and ross still together?
we are "official" ....officially over
What makes you instantly hate someone?
eg) if the person knows that you like someone & then they purposely talk to that person to annoy you - instant hate
What makes you happy to be alive?
my friends, my fam and coco pops
You da cutest ?
and you da sweetest ✨?
Gotta say you are really pretty ?
ah thank you so much ?
Did you ever take nudes
nah I'm not stupid
What's the youngest age you would go for?
If I told you, you would be freaked out probably ?
just tell me ??
To me you really are ?
who is this ? ?❤️❤️❤️
You are kak hot
really not but thanks anyway ??
What's the most depressing moment in your life
getting my physics marks back
U and izzy scissoring? ??
ew ew ew ew no
* starts singing the ew song * ???
Ek woon oppie plaas end ekks n kleurling?
cool man
Are you and Ross together or not? I'm confused ?
Who's all in your squad
my friends ???
thought you and ross were "officail"?
u and izzy hey ????❤️??
I meant to say tow because that's what he says in the song
Oh well - never heard the song
You and Ross dating?
ew no
Best grade9?
such a difficult decision but known Savannah since 2005 so defs her ?✨?
I pray my dck gets big as the eiffel tow so I can fck the world for 72 hours
** tower / uh alrighty
Are u friends with megan van der hyde
Yeah sort of
Claire Shaw?
Ah she's such a sweet heart ?
How old are you? Xx
Can I DM you?
im almost 16, you can ?
Matthew Kear ?
close friends ☺️
" grampa James "
that's me ???
Do you shave your bottom bikini area?
mhmm ?
8 doobies to the face... fck thaat
yeah fck that ? Wtf ?
What are you obsessed with right now?
Pokemon Go ?
Jamie ❤? you're absolutely gorgeous. I really wish I could pull off beauty & confidence like you do ???
oh my word this is the sweetest thing, thank you so much ??
Lmao you fake btch, you always have been
awe I'm so fake - look behind my neck it says ' made in China '
You and Ross a thing? Or can I go for him ??
haha this is funny ??
If you were a superhero, what would you call yourself?
" Jamie the hero " ? { very creative }
Keegan Bailey?
why does this feel like a super personal question, that i dont know how to answer ? - he used to be VERY important to me but we haven't spoken in a year now so...
Why are izzy, tayla, phoebe the only "best friends" out of your friend group?
I've known them the longest but it's also because we fit together like us 4 are different but the same ? If that makes sense
You're soo gorgeous and your feed is goals ?? what grade are you in? X
?? I'm in grade 10
who's jessica hellier?
this girl in grade 10 she's like one of the nicest people I've met
Make a confession
I've had a crush on the same person for 6 months ( if you know me, you'll know that this is rare )
Ur never there for your friends I would hate to be them shame man they deserve a better friend
nah mate I love my friends
Let's pretend your left leg is the 1st day of the month and your Right leg the 30th, can I slide in between on the 15th ???
oh my god ???
I must be treasure hunting because I'm digging your chest.
Agreed with the last qooh
You are a total knob
thank you
You're super stunning ✨
ah thank you so much this is so nice ❤️
Nicest girl you've met in grade 10
Izabella Smyth / Tayla VH / Phoebe Heneke ✨
Can you name any people in our grade that people wouldn't expect you to love and get on with but you do?
Jessica Hellier x
Your beauty mark ("that dot on your face") is so gorgeous. You are an exceptionally beautiful human being ??
thank you so much, I dig my dot thing
What have you noticed about yourself recently?
that the dot on my face is a perfect circle ?
Do you shave your down there regions
that's PRIVATE information
Whered you get your adidas jacket
the adidas store ?
The fact that I can see you is making me hard
You are beautiful !!
thank you so much ?
Stik and coffee?
please ❤️
Top 5 hottest matrics ?
dm me and I'll tell you since you've asked about 3 times
U have really pretty friends
thanks i think ? ?
Howzit bru long time no see hey
think I know who this is - dm me ✨ haven't seen you in forever
awe I will help clean up
cool lets do it ✨
U pee in sinks
nah I prefer to pee in my bath actually ? ? Who is this ? ??
Top 3 matrics looks and personality?
Brigeet - Gaby - Jayson and Aiden ( I know it's 4 but eh )