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Ask me stuff.

73 Replies

Favourite car?


jammmmmes replied 3951 days ago

If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?

hehahe. "delete" is a funny way of putting it. uh, probably inequality for things like gender ("Boys can't cry!" "Girls have to wear make-up!") *exuality stuff, ("lol that's gay"), stuff like that. ;P

jammmmmes replied 3975 days ago

Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?

my mum reads these not me

jammmmmes replied 3985 days ago

You spelt my name wrong again :/


jammmmmes replied 3985 days ago

Do you like cheddar cheese?

yes not as much as potatoes mr. jordon with an o

jammmmmes replied 3991 days ago

The most boring person you know?

heh too many to choose from

jammmmmes replied 3992 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

myself. duh. wait a second...

jammmmmes replied 3995 days ago

The best movie so far in 2014?

frozen?? (tho it technicallly came out last year)

jammmmmes replied 4001 days ago

Who do you miss right now?

everyone that I haven't seen for a month or so (in person)

jammmmmes replied 4007 days ago

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

HAIR joking uh a shirt? qoohme why are you getting "up close and personal" with us

jammmmmes replied 4011 days ago

Why are you So mean to people??

I try not to be mean to people. I am not "so mean" to people, either. I find that insulting to me, because I always try my hardest not to be mean. Ever. I dunno where you heard me be "so mean" to "people" (this implies that I must've been rude enough to hurt their feelings and it also must've been more than one person), but wherever you have, I would rather you notify me, anonymous of, so I can actually have a say. Maybe you heard me, and you didn't realise I was joking. I dunno. Maybe this was a joke question, too. I don't find it like that. Woo, another wall of text to read through. TL;DR: I don't think I'm mean, and if you think I am, please tell me the people that I insulted and what I did say. (And I would prefer you also told me who you are.) Thank you for your time.

jammmmmes replied 4013 days ago

Something you will never be good at?


jammmmmes replied 4026 days ago

The greatest moment in your life ?


jammmmmes replied 4026 days ago

happy valentines day

um happy valentines day

jammmmmes replied 4045 days ago

I buy potato for waffle Swagityswaghbu


jammmmmes replied 4047 days ago