Jan van Yaku Matobakele
Heard ur gay?
Wena u reng?
Ur stupid, u knw dat akere?
Jwale u kwatiswa keng moo?
mna kea utlwa u etsa kotsi ka roma ka kwana,u so jele ba bakae?
hahaha....who evr said dat wsnt toking abt me, plus ke murasta, no gals 4 me....
U told me u want me, truth is i want u too. but i cnt let me hav u. cuz i dnt want to cheat. but damn, i realy yearn for dat moment...so safe me, dnt mak a mov on me...
Haha. Ges i gada w8 4 u 2 tel me dat f2f.....plus i knw who u r
whch pick up lyn do u often use?
dnt use pick up lines.....jst say yaku's mind...
hw many ex's do u have?
hehe! Dnt date, nt yet
btwin me and her, who wud u chuz?
oooo s her?
who do you have a crush on? who is that one girl you yearn to kiss and touch and hold?
haha. D gal iv got a crush on? Mosadi wa neiba yaka...
what is your current fantasy?
current fantasy? Ehhh! That i go to china and b 1 of em...
if u wer 2 b d presidnt 4 a day, wat wud u do?
nka ikhantsha....
r u intresting 2 b wth?
veri intresting...
whn last did u hav *ex?
dnT do *ex,
wats d stupiest thng u'v evr done?
stupid? Hmmm! Ka ipherekanya ka nthwe siyo...
do u consider urslf cute or pretty?
hehe! Wil ansa dat f2f
wud u hav *ex wth me?
dnt do *ex
hantle yaku wena le cheri ela ya hao ya le 3 la biochem(maletsooa) a cheleng molomong lea ratana?
hahahaha! Rumars, nvr wil i
esale ure utlo nchakela.
mayb if i knw u i wud....
u got swagg.
yaku, u smoke?*shckd*
nvr wil i.....
wats ur calar?
lyt calars...
o ntso rata 'mole??? WOW you guys are like brother and sister really your relationship is crazy.. how do you guys do it? seriously i need one of those relationships... ka nnete...sfapano.....bosa...boka....LOL
hahaha! Nqe le 'meche! Ges we d letter 2 d creator.....
you wanna do it with me?
hahaha! Wud u handle d ryd?
what did you eat today?
lesheleshele hlem, ke lapile paap...
o qeta ho phinya? lol
hw dd u knw?
wat comes 2 ur mind evri tym u wake up?.....
wat um gona wear.....
wat do u regret in lyf?
trusting and cheating........
wana taste ur lips......
u wil......
wats d craziest thng u'v evr done?.......
lough about 30min, thot i was going crazy.......
saw u at kaycees on pre grats bt ws afraid 2 aproach u, is dat being stupid?
y ddnt u, i dnt bite.....
y do dey call u '*ex'? Heard dat 4rm ur 4rnds, u knw who.....
coz i used 2 lov *exophone....hahaha
wat went down wth u and toxin?
wil tel u l8r, jst tired nw....
why do you love Nomolelo rose Stemere so much and not me? i mean i am much more *exier.....LOL
hehe! Coz she makes my heart feel at easy, plus she define al d definations of wat i want...
wats wth u and mrs janvan on 2go?....
hehe! Oooo dat?
lyk d way u walk
and i lyk ur ........
have you ever had guy deams?? LOL
hahaha! Nop
hw many gf(s) do u hav?
um ur secret admire....
what is the longest you have dated someone?
how many GFs have you ever had?
jst 1 and flings
untso rata banana?
A a, di suga mama
hw many tyms do u mstb8?
+45 tyms a day.....
untso hlanya?
a a hlem, klaya mohlomi......
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
eeeeh! Le'me thnk i'l get bck 2 u...
Who are you dating currently
my gf
Describe yourself in 3 words?
jan van yaku....