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7 Replies

What did your last relationship teach you?


jasmineash replied 2578 days ago 1

What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?

uhm probably like do you have pupils. this question was asked because i have dark dark brown eyes and it is hard to tell if I had pupils. but everyone has pupils and the guy that asked me this I wanted to smack him. This was two years ago in history class and ironically he is in my history class this year.

jasmineash replied 2583 days ago 1

What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?


jasmineash replied 2604 days ago 1

How can you be a better person?

helping others

jasmineash replied 2675 days ago 1

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

like 15

jasmineash replied 2675 days ago 1

Money or Loyalty ?


jasmineash replied 2675 days ago 1

What is your greatest regret ?

dont have one

jasmineash replied 2675 days ago 1