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Ask me stuff

443 Replies

What activity always makes you lose track of time?


javidh45 replied 3308 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Shaun the sheep

javidh45 replied 3311 days ago

If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?


javidh45 replied 3313 days ago

is she in year 8?

nah, she's in year 12

javidh45 replied 3318 days ago

who's ya crush?

not tellin ;)

javidh45 replied 3319 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?


javidh45 replied 3320 days ago

Who was your first crush ?

cant say

javidh45 replied 3325 days ago

What profession would you not like to do?


javidh45 replied 3327 days ago 1

Thoughts?? :) Carissaamott

we dont even talk anymore so I dont really know what to say. Your really nice and pretty. you have an awesome personality. Seem like a fun person to hang around with and it s*cks we didn't get to catch up before I left. Should talk again

javidh45 replied 3330 days ago 1

Something you regret buying and why ?


javidh45 replied 3330 days ago

Thoughts!!! Madd1

haven't talked for ages but really nice. cool personality and good lookin. gun at b ball. should talk again

javidh45 replied 3330 days ago

If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?

play basketball

javidh45 replied 3336 days ago

B like Bieber or B like Beethoven?

B like *****

javidh45 replied 3346 days ago

best friends on snapchat?

Lilly mcguire, Rachelle, Leah, Macy, Tess, Tiana, Elaina

javidh45 replied 3347 days ago 1

Last year you used to be a good boy now you like mr know it all!!

what do you mean?

javidh45 replied 3349 days ago