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ask me whatever, don't leave comments lmao

51 Replies

Heys your pretty cutee.whats your Snapchat??

snapchat is jaxon_arthana pal hmu

jaxonarthana replied 2988 days ago

What's the worst present you've ever received?

there is never a "worst" present, if you get something great!

jaxonarthana replied 3093 days ago

Make a confession

I live for drama but at the same time I hate it idk

jaxonarthana replied 3097 days ago

Olivia who?

Peterson, why??

jaxonarthana replied 3097 days ago

Hi are you going to Olivia's because I don't know what to get her!

yeah I am just snapchat me jaxon_arthana

jaxonarthana replied 3099 days ago

If you were suddenly elected president, what would be your first thing you do?

move to 'murica obvs

jaxonarthana replied 3156 days ago

Going to Caylee's?


jaxonarthana replied 3169 days ago

Going to Tylah's?


jaxonarthana replied 3169 days ago

Whats your snapchat.

jaxon_arthana add me

jaxonarthana replied 3176 days ago

like anyone?

don't know, do I?

jaxonarthana replied 3177 days ago

What or who are you obsessed with right now?

my friends because they are so important to me.

jaxonarthana replied 3177 days ago 1

Thoughts on Rhiana Noack

Renae Rhianna Ratty where do I begin you are such a yuck friend and I hate you pls leave. just kidding I love you to death and you are so funny and caring and I enjoyed making hommus dip with you on the sidewalk:')

jaxonarthana replied 3178 days ago

Thoughts on Emma Dyzel

Emma is such an amazing friend and I've known her for so long omg. she will always listen to me rant and be there which is great and I'm always there for her.

jaxonarthana replied 3178 days ago

Thoughts on Chloe Seoul

um it's Sewell but okay, she one of my best friends and is part of our ratty group. she's so loyal and always listens when you need to say something and she is so funny and odd and great! bring on Deb 2k17

jaxonarthana replied 3178 days ago


15, 16 in May

jaxonarthana replied 3179 days ago