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Jayden Bell-Inskip


Ask anything!! will answer everything

132 Replies

Tbhhh Jessieburke

Let's keep it short aye, your a f*****, your my best friend trust you with anything, can talk to you about anything, we are both so weird in our own ways. Your a f***** your quite short too :') amazing funny cute perfect beautiful, just everything, miss you heaps and need to see you soon!! Love you xx

jaydenbellinskip replied 3808 days ago

tbh? :-) x haileyymeyer

Hahaha sorry this has been here for a bit. Tbh really good to talk to, good to hang with, attractive and miss talking and we need to catch up soon !! :) x

jaydenbellinskip replied 3827 days ago

Tbh for Jessie xx

Which one

jaydenbellinskip replied 3892 days ago

whats ur snapchat


jaydenbellinskip replied 3893 days ago

I'm crying ❤️❤️ Jessieburke

Aww !! Love you xxx

jaydenbellinskip replied 3905 days ago

Thoughts on me :) JaydeTaylorxo

Really attractive, nice, fun to hang out with, good to talk to. But haven't talked lately and haven't seen you in a while :( chuck us an inbox :) xx

jaydenbellinskip replied 3905 days ago 1

Tbh f***** love you xx Jessieburke

Tbh f*****, your a f***** I hate you so dumb ewww you!! No I couldn't be that mean I love you xxxx. We started out at footy you were really shy and didn't talk, you thought I was a creep with zeek :') you added me one day we talked heaps became best friends then a month or 2 later we went out for like 2 months and 4 days we had so many memories and one of the best weekends I had was one of the best memories!! First I got the footy stuck In the tree and then I got my shoe stuck in the tree :') we kicked the footy I kicked it to you and you dropped it and it hit Rianna in the face and YOU gave her the blood nose. We had so so many memories and I miss them!! We actually had the weirdest convos I can remember.. If I eat KFC I can't tell you or else I'll get eaten by the zombie chickens in them.. Even if I do eat it and don't tell u, somehow u know i have.. The worst memories ever was the family fun day and I'm not goin into that.. We stopped talking for a while after that!! We started talking again and best mates again! I miss you so so so much I haven't seen you in ages. :( I can't wait to see you!! Your amazing funny cute small beautiful attractive everything!! Your an amazing best friend and can't wait to see you next!! We haven't talked so much lately which s*cks. I really want to still have you in my life. I don't know where I would be without you!! Legit! Love you heaps f***** and miss you heaps <3 xxx

jaydenbellinskip replied 3905 days ago

3 best friends boys and girls

Boys: Kyrin Michael L Kyall, Girls: Hannah J Jessie B Jessie R Adelaide. None of them are in order and that's all I can't think of

jaydenbellinskip replied 3905 days ago

tbh??:)x JessyCobainx

Tbh only started talking like a week ago :) glad we have :) your nice as, kind really truth worthy and actually quite attractive. Should catch up and become a lot closer :) x

jaydenbellinskip replied 3909 days ago

Just curious...

Inbox me why

jaydenbellinskip replied 3926 days ago

Your the biggest f**ot I have ever meet !!!

Cheers **** much appreciated

jaydenbellinskip replied 3926 days ago

Who do you like?


jaydenbellinskip replied 3927 days ago

Are you going out with Bethany

Uh no why

jaydenbellinskip replied 3980 days ago

Both just top 3

Michaelkyallkyrinmat jessiehannahadelaideriana that counts :) can't think of anymore

jaydenbellinskip replied 3987 days ago

3 Bestfriend only choose 3

Boys or girls

jaydenbellinskip replied 3987 days ago