You pretty af?
Wish you were mine❤❤?
Awww thanks sm?
Who is this though
Do you have a boyfriend
You are beautiful ??
Nooo but thanks boo♥
What type of boys do you date
I go for personality. ?
Your smile tho? plus you are beautiful???
You're so sweet?❤️?
You are truly gorgeous babes?
Thanks love ??
U pretty even if u don't think so and why are people so rude to u are they stupid or something, don't listen to that stupid people out there they a waste of time
Awww thanks sm❤️❤️
Isa dalwai?
Don't know him
If I dm you and tell you who I am would you consider giving me a ****job? Like you really hot
Nope I don't do that but thanks though???
What are you bad at ?
You look so hot and pretty ?
You so sweet boo?❤?
You told me to dm you when I said I'm truly saying this from my heart thing but you don't answer
I see Saadiq Schroeder comment on you pictures ?how do you know him ?
He goes to my school?
You are so beautiful❤, like yohh...
Omg thank you so much ❤?
What makes you instantly like a person?
When they real
I am truly saying this from my heart you are absolutely beautiful girl and you hot and when you smile you look even more beautiful
This is so sweet omg???❤
DM me ?❤
I think your the prettiest ever❤❤ but u take so longnto answer your dm
Awww thank you??
DM again I'll answer ?
Why hang out with eemaan albertus
Because I love her and if you have a problem with me hanging out with her then shame
Prettiest ever
We met 2 weeks ago
Aawww thank you
You should DM?
Do you like being **** shamed ?
Tbh I dont care if people **** shame me because I know im not one so whatever people thinks about doesn't really affect me because most of the time its that doesn't even know me and just judges me on what they heard from other people who makes up things
What is a waste of money to you?
Selena gomez ???
Describe Your Bestfriend?
Aneeqah Parker?
Pretty girl❤?
Josh Oncker??
Sweetest ever ?❤
You so pretty ?
Thank you so much❤
Thoughts on Laaiq davids???
Cool kid❤?
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?
Farieda Abrahams?
eish lol
If you could be on the cover of any magazine , which would you choose ?
You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?
Get the most expensive spy to stalk bieber for me
Who is your best friend ?
Eemaan albertus ?
What little thing pisses you off greatly?
People ?
Why you commenting on imran (tumblr_thug) pictures his taken BTW.
it's kak funny how people make their qooh's so obvious lmbi
Oh soz sorry gurl no hard feelaz Lihlemdawe
Hmmm dont get so defensive?❤
Miss you man❤❤❤
If u calling me an immature laaitie then boo I've got lots to say bout you I backed you up. And now you dragging my name thru your , drol no offense Jordan but I thought there was a change. : ( Lihlemdawe
Not you lihle?❤?
But like most of them
People you know from GGPS?
Most of them
Too much to name ??
Are you wearing the bottom half of your bikini in your recent ? ????
Yes ?????
Which country are you from and which country would you like to visit ?
South africa
And Paris
What is your New Year's resolution?
Not sure
Brah the shade you're throwing at the the 'immature laaities' from GGPS. Everyone would have had your back if something went down. So lol stfu
?? oh is it ? I don't need them to "have my back" I dont have time for that image kids from ggps
Are you registered on this site http://bit.ly/2fsbY6C ?
There are registered a lot of women who want $ex.
Make sure yourself ;) 1128173
im chilled
Its kak funny when you say other people are immature, when in fact its you my love. You keep saying stuff about Eemaan (i dont know what happened nor do i care) when kaantie you being kak immature. Rather ignore the sht, auj to be like a 11 year old
we had a fall out and threw some shade at each other but we cool now
im immature but you have nothing better to do then to qooh an '11 year old'
lmao you skat you pretty when last year the school made ghat of you????
i dont think I'm pretty i know im ugly
and everyone at ggps is immature laaities who go on over old kak
im not even gonna waste tim on typing a response to irrelevant people
and even though im ugly you probably uglier and not on the outside but on the inside but just remember that a pretty face is nothing with a ugly soul xx
Would you ever take me for a joke ?
depends on who you are but prolly
A lot of women near you want $ex! Make sure yourself - sign up here http://tinyurl.com/jpm985f vickyw90
What school you at
rosebank college
What is something that actually offends you?
when someone disses justin bieber
What are you looking most forward to in 2017?
A new year I guess ?
Shame nobody likes you. And Zeazy thinks you poes dramatic and kak annoying. Shame. I hope you find real friends and not friends that use you. And not friends that are poes ugly
I don't care if nobody likes me lololol???? and i do have real friends my dear ! And idc what zeazy says about me I really don't ????
How did you and Eemaan(ex wifey) become friends
Because of a boy
How did you and Eemaan(ex wifey) become friends
Because of a boy
What school do u go to
Rosebank college?
I skat you qooh yourself? and by the way, Eemaan takes way better photos than you and she doesn't use snapchat filters?? haai shame , immature laaitie.
Okay eemaan?
Why would I qooh myself ?
Damn whoever it is that be hating on you keeps saying you immature but they keep posting anonymously ,its stupid and it just shows that they poes immature, like really they need to get a life and move on, you beautiful and you a really great person ?
Oh my word who ever this is you are so so sweet ❤
This legit made my night❤ .
Thank you soooo much, you are truly an amazing person boo carry on being amazing❤❤❤
Dm me please ???❤
Why did your last relationship end?
That's private ?
Do you have a boyfriend
Nope I'm single ??
Eemaan is kak dom, but shame she's only in grade 7 ?
She's immature asf bruuuhhh??? dm me?❤
If that's your opinion on me???
What have you never truly gotten over?
The fact that bieber deleted instagram??
I don't own make up what even???
TEACH ME PROPER ENGLISH? BABY GIRL, you don't even know how to spell "their" , you Summa say it's "thier" what the poes girl ???????
??? uhm that was a spell error but I'm talking about the way you speak is pathetic ??? it's actually funny coz I know this is eemaan or aqeelah or one of eemaans créch squad ?
you hate it when someone has "ugly" eyebrows ? no that's not how to treat someone . Girl, you draw your eyebrows vas on and it's poes ugly wtf. GET A LIFE BRAH, immature laaitie
That was a joke bruh ?? and I don't draw my brows auj I don't even own make up wtf ???
How far have you been with a guy
A virgin?
Obviously what even?
Why are you so mooi
Why are you ????
U super pretty and cute????
Thank you love ☺❤
shame you skat you kak pretty???????????? kantie check how many people think you hard ugly? and stop with the sc filters my girl, they dont work?
Firstly I don't think I'm pretty i think I'm average and if people think I'm ugly that's thier opinion on me and everyone's allowed to have an opinion, right? So if that's thier opinion on me then that's thier opinion ? ❤ and please girl/boy go ask your English teacher to teach you proper English because it s*cks ☺
U pretty ??
You probably prettier??
Why are you not a millionaire?
slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet slet
Your eyebrows are jaaaaaaas funny they look like big worms on your face
At least I don't draw them, like you ?
my girl , you're not even pretty
Okay eemaan
I don't vark like you, you fcking rude to everyone. wtp, why even. You don't even know half the people but you wanna wys them Kak stuff. Wtf get a life please.
??? uhm okay I don't care if you don't like me lol, please before you wanna tell me sht go learn your English and please next time you qooh me with hate dont hide your name
What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
Spend time with the people I love most ❤
What does your name mean ?
I don't know lol??
You nogals a btch really
Lol okay if you say so???
Did you just take asharf to get eemaan back
Ashraf* and that's none of your bussiness
Lus eemaan mahn?.
Already did babes ?❤
If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?
I would name it "Bieber" because I love Justin Bieber ❤