Where do you live in harare
dm me for these kinda questions
Who do u love and miss
Your realest fam
?this one i may need time to think about it
Who would you take a bullet for
Who makes you laugh a lot
?woo tricky one but i think its my exfriend Kudzai
Why don't you like the amazing world of gumball
welll its too much of a fantasy than a reality ??i mean seriously their couches are real but their faces are cartoony and they have dryland storylines
Who is your Regular show favorite
Mordo Mordecai he is tall and well groomed??
Do you ever feel guilty when you eat meat
wellll ??ok tbh i dont think of that stuff when im hungry
What do think about before you go to sleep
This other girl that makes my heart beat in an african beat manner ?
What are your dreams for the future
well i just want to have a settled family and persue my music career...hopefully
What kind of eggs do you like
everykind except for boiled ?
Do you like cerevita ? If not why?
???yes yes i like Cerevita cerevita cerevita cerevita...#cerevitapair?
Do you have a favorite president if you do who is it and why
??ps i dont like politics ....but my old debate club president was the best ☺ because he always let me do the openings
Do you like cheese
wellllll ??? i hate cheese
What's your favorite song
i dont really have a favorite song but weekly favorites ...and this week its charlie puth how long
Let's play? Go jxhotbox.info jessicaaq583
You just wasted 24 taps by typing that
Hi. I'm love suks big dck. My profile here xsweetxxhot.info carol8v594
ㅎ오ㅗㅇ너ㅗㅛㅓ that means get a decent life do
I know this isn't a question but I think what you put on your story is really cool. I look forward to whatever you're gonna put tomorrow ✨
Ayeee thanks unfiltered squaaad....I lost a friend in the process soo yeah
Im done
What will you never ever do again?
Tell a lie that i cant keep up with
How many siblings do u have including u.
Me .. No sublings just cousins but thats not the case right
what is your ig name
Where do you learn?
At a facility
What little thing pisses you off greatly?
that i keep on deleting this question but it keeps on popping up
Who is Tadiwa Mashave to you
some other cool girl i know
I think you fresh
yeah im straight outta the milk factory
Who's your crush ( name)
dont have
Do u vae a best friend? His or her name
nahh that soft
What is something that actually offends you?
them defenders ....get it get it .....(offense-defence)
Who's the prettiest girl you know?
that other girl ...you know...her
Favorite food ?
Mr Timmy have you been vibing with anyone lately if so ....who?
Mr Timmy have you been vibing with anyone lately if so ....who?
bryson tiller lit album and a bit if homework
bruh do you understand the word Don't tell anyone ....lol
What nationality are you
which school do you go to?
noyb high school
Timmy whos your bae
Barbra alisha and ellen (BAE)
What are you obsessed with right now?
Tiimmy turner Desiigner
That stuff lit
Come visit me soon ?
Ummm ohhh kayyyí ½í¸í ½í¸
Whoever you are
What's the worst present you've ever received?
Nothing at all.... I literally received nothing as a present maní ½í¸¶í ½í¸£
Are you a player ? ??
Don't lie because I know you too well ?
they say I am
but I'm not
Would you tell a girl she's pretty straight up ?
nah I'm kinda shy
Would you ever set me up with one of your friends ?
it depends on who you are
I think you are very cool ?
What is something very few people know about you?
ummm I hate peanut butter
What bad habits do you want to break?
sleeping late
What are you afraid of ?
What are you afraid of ?