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ask me whatever you want

395 Replies

What made you happy today? 100+


jccaylenvevo replied 2539 days ago

What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?

my friend threw up on my shoes and i went to text our mutual friend and i texted her instead i said “this btch threw up on my shoes i’m gonna scream” she laughed but i was lowkey embarrassed

jccaylenvevo replied 2540 days ago

What should people stop buying?

yeezys or kanye's clothes
3,000 for a green ripped sweater. go buy a $10 sweater and rip it yourself. lmao

jccaylenvevo replied 2552 days ago

What makes you happy?

my bed and netflix

jccaylenvevo replied 2558 days ago


aww, i love my fans. ?

jccaylenvevo replied 2570 days ago 1

What is the smartest thing you've ever done?

i’ll let you know when i do something remotely smart ?

jccaylenvevo replied 2571 days ago

What are you sick of trying to explain to people?

that i’m not dominican or any form of hispanic

jccaylenvevo replied 2577 days ago

Who is the most famous person you have met?

mindless behavior ??

jccaylenvevo replied 2582 days ago

what’s your favorite song at the moment?

papi chulo // HEYITSLUKA ??

jccaylenvevo replied 2599 days ago

Which movie do you regret watching and why ?

it’s called first born i think, it was a good movie don’t get me wrong but it’s about a couple having a kid and they named her after a goddess (don’t quote me) and the name came with demons so anything with a face she had to get rid of and it was just terrifying consider i’ve been raising my niece and yeah but honestly watch it, it’s a good scary movie

jccaylenvevo replied 2601 days ago

Your greatest accomplishment?

being accepted into college.

jccaylenvevo replied 2611 days ago

What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?

took a sht and didn’t flush.

jccaylenvevo replied 2614 days ago

Plans for 2018?


jccaylenvevo replied 2620 days ago

Roleplay - I'm hanging from a ledge for dear life. I look up and see you standing on the ledge looking down at me. What do you do to me next?

definitely try my hardest to pull you back up, and if you fall i’m falling with you, because despite the fact that i don’t know you i would most certainly do everything in my power to save you.

jccaylenvevo replied 2623 days ago

What is the dumbest thing you have done today?

probably dropped my pizza in the toliet. don’t ask me why i had pizza in there the bathroom to begin with.

jccaylenvevo replied 2624 days ago