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449 Replies

Best friends

Molly Claud Connor Bonetti

jcoughlan replied 3761 days ago

What turns you off in a person ?


jcoughlan replied 3787 days ago

2 things you dislike about yourself?

My personality and my social awkwardness

jcoughlan replied 3802 days ago 1

What did you last dream about?

Can't remember. Probably food

jcoughlan replied 3803 days ago


Don't really associate with any of them or look that closely at them soz

jcoughlan replied 3806 days ago

Hottest yr 11 boys?

What school?

jcoughlan replied 3806 days ago

Keep you eye on Brady. And his Facebook messages

Lol cause he doesn't have any :) he's a poor loner just like me! Guess you could say thats why we've found each other :)

jcoughlan replied 3806 days ago

Thoughts on Connor Jones?

Top lad! He deserves the best :)

jcoughlan replied 3806 days ago

Hottest boys ahs your year

Dont know many at all sorry

jcoughlan replied 3806 days ago

Do you realise that you're supposed to donate $10 to a breast cancer charity if you DO the water challenge? That way the charity actually makes money...

I didn't know that hahah

jcoughlan replied 3806 days ago

What annoyed you today?

Getting out of bed

jcoughlan replied 3808 days ago

Name a person you lied to today

Myself..I said I'd get out of bed like half an hour ago...whoops

jcoughlan replied 3816 days ago

I can't tell you sorry

Then you are clearly full of shît so how about you get your nose out of my relationship and stop trying to make Brady a bad person cause he is honestly the best thing in my life and if you honestly cared enough to say something then you should realise that we are happy the way we are. So unless you're gonna be honest, then you shouldn't have even bothered haha. Nice try though! :)

jcoughlan replied 3817 days ago

Like 2 months ago

Then inbox me telling me who you are. Cause if you think he's such a dîck for doing it then I have the right the know who it is yeah?

jcoughlan replied 3818 days ago

Your boyfriend kissed me when you's were going out .. I thought you should know because he's such a ****head for doing that to you..


jcoughlan replied 3818 days ago