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13 Replies

iPhone,ipad and ipod users ,are you using IOS7 or IOS8 ?

i have a **** phone atm until i get my other phones fixed. replied 3435 days ago

Last person you argued with and why ?

My old stalker, Because we both have different opinons of each other... But oh well past is the past. No use dwelling over it when i have better things That are to come my way.. xx replied 3437 days ago

Best compliment you have ever received ?

that my child has beautiful manners and is very smart. replied 3439 days ago

What gives you peace?

Peace?? They only time i get peace is when my child/ren are sleeping. But in saying this my children are my peace. replied 3442 days ago 1

What do you spend your money on the most ?

My children, Food & Bills replied 3445 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

Nothing you see. I am so excited to know my little man will be here soon. Xx woop woop! replied 3446 days ago 1

How do you deal with failure?

I use it too learn next time. replied 3448 days ago

What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?

nothing because i dont have problems with others. Each to their opinion!!! replied 3451 days ago

How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?

the same as if s/he was not homeless. Why treat somone different because they have issues in there life. replied 3453 days ago

Who do you envy and why ?

I live a happy life.. xxx replied 3454 days ago

Favourite age you've been so far and why ?

20 the year i became a mother. Xxx replied 3457 days ago

A body part you think you could do without ?

my colour lens id give them up any day so my partner can see colour. Xx replied 3461 days ago

What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ?

never thought about it. replied 3463 days ago