jean-collin venter
Just wane tell you your girlfriend is not who you think she is she's going to hurt you she told me who will stay anonymous that thing isin't the same between you guys and I think she's falling for someone els
Oky thnx for the tip if you will just plz ping me on bbm we can talk and you can tell me why plz I'm asking nicely
so did you ask the girll.?!
Yes I have
ask the first person that comes in your head..!! to date you...!! your brave
Oky I will
One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?
Will you go out with me
whell thats true he is soft hearted but a great guy eny girl who has him never let go his go something of evrything and a great family... !!!:-D
Hey who ever this is ping me and we can talk plz
whYyy aRE u soO WeiiRd baBy?
Hey ping me on bbm and we can chat
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
Already tried that and at the end he didn't make it just made me crazier and his family one member less
Go **** your mother
I'm just a girl with a broken heart and my mission is to break yours to
**** you ..... You ***** ........ You need to see a docter
Oe baie dankie Gr8 om n ***** te wees gelukkig ek ni n stalker ni rrg waar wie okal j is ek dnk j benodig n sielkundige
NO wrong I'm so not Talita
Oky then who are you
Just so you know Suryka whoever you are ***** I'm so not a Stalker just a girl with a broken heart so yeah and now my mission is to freak guys out make them feel my pain mwahahaha and yeah i'm enjoying it
This is talita
Hori so by the way die STALKER gedeelte was ek Suryka
Chene jou ***** dis j wat die stalker is ne
Oe iemand het n STALKER gekry HEHEHE!!!!!*
Leave me the **** alone
Well thats what I'm planning for
Oky well I'm not gonna answer anymore then
No it's fun talking here now I can freak you out and you won't even have a clue who I am mwahahaha
Who the **** are you ....... You are really freaking me out now
The way you have such a soft heart and a great personalty what more can a girl ask for but with that all I don't understand why they all leave you for someone els
Who are you ping me on bbm and we can talk
I love the way you laugh it makes me smile all day
Who are you ping me on bby plz and thanx
I Must say it's sweet the fact that you have a soft heart love it
Ping me on bbm and we can talk
Hoekom is *ex al wt deur n ou se kop gaan en as jy nie gereed is om *ex te doen nie los die ***holeS jou ??
Want hulle dink dis maklik om met jou te kry en as j nie gereed is nie en as hy n regte ou is dan sal hy jou respekteer en dit los en nog met jou bly
Why don't any girls go for you why does all girls leaves you for other guys
Because I'm to soft hearted so they think I can't get hurt
Will me and Remario ever date
Tell me who you are
Do your friends irratate you
Yes and yours
Hoekom jy so perve ?
Who the **** are ping and I'll answerwh
What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?
My car collection
What's your biggest secret??? bellablomme
I ****ed my cousins best friend
Do you love me????
Who is this then I can answer
How is your best sister
I don't understand the question
Did u realy love me ..??
You said anonymously
So guess who I am ??
Really don't know but if you tell me maybe I might give the truth
When did u get your first kiss**!!! ivyssalb
When is was in GR 2