did you ever or will you ever send nudes (don't be rude and be honest)..
I think so I don't know
What is something very few people know about you?
I'm poes funny and I can talk a lot of kak
What is the most embarrassing thing you had to tell your parents ?
Uhm parent , dunno
I know who you like ?.
You boring ??
You look like you s*ck dck
I do baby
How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?
I don't have a ex , I don't date :* if he or she's your ex , they were never down for you
I love you
I love you tooo person
What is your purpose in life?
To love and respect
My bestie dis ?? chad.6
You then know mr jet
Which was the best year of your life so far, and why?
This year , one boy made it my year
I'm a nobody? I then naaied you in the waterfront bathroom..did you then forget..if you did you can ask cassiem he mos also naaied you.
Uhm nooo bru or girl , wrong person you got here hey I'm a virgin baby , proudly said tamaalf sorry not sorry so go naai whoever you want in the bathroom cause I did niks like that lmj
Jamie is reg af????
Lol you probs are too
Come I dala you a again ...I know you enjoyed what we had in the waterfront
Yaww who you , how many boys didn't I kiss at waterfront , you a nobody in my eyes
smaak a dck in your b*m??
Go talk kak to your mommy
meekaa'eel Isaacs ?
What about him ?
Come we take a stiek?
Come we don't
You a virgin ? And lesbian?
Yes and I'm not a lesbian I'm bi$exual baby
Jamie you know what you msp hot ?????
Lol thanks you probs are too angel :*
If you could have anything on earth, what would it be?
My mommy for forever
Main joller?
Haha only with your daddy :* :D
if someone kak reg, poes rich and nai famous smaak you, but he only wear crocs, will you date him?
Yes yes yes
Beautiful ?? hudao
Likewise baby :*
What was your first cellphone ?
Samsung E250 omfg
What turns you off in a person?