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I'm pretty determined and usually accomplish a lot of my goals so I'm glad about that
daweeeee I'm only gonna be less than 2 hours away tho !!
it happens
lol I don't want to call anyone out but joelie is honestly not that smart... academically or street smart, but I still love heerrr
wouldn't say yes, but Ty John is a good guy lol
there's a few people but I'm sure I'll see them around sometime
dream jobs to be a lawyer... either criminal or corporate
d'awee thankss
being a debbie
yikes don't know too many but Bushfield
Awe this is the nicest thing I've ever read! & It's never to late to start talking! I wish I knew who you were maybe I could say the same things about you.. Haha thank you :)
honestly unless I really like them, no
of course! :)
rob ?
probs not
it's too hard trying to pick a top 3, plus who cares about nw .. lol not like I'm going back there
grade 12s? can't think of any
if I die young by the band perry!
uhm not gonna lie but usually getting what I want! haha
no I do not haha
I wasn't with Drew! He's a great guy regardless but were just friends lol
thank my dad for being awesome !
Gia!! I wish we still talked! Haha
hot boys who play guitar. HANDS DOWN
Dave Franco >> Anyone
nope!!! we're just going to prom together haha
can't say. wouldn't want to forever
being happy
I'm like a strong 2
Wolf of Wall Street was good! pretty sure it came out in 2013 though
hahaha I was like 4.
well nope, we don't
Imagine dragons, avicii, the vamps, Taylor swift, Dallas green & Eric church
being with friends, horseback riding, playing guitar & sleeping
Drews a good guy, but no I wouldn't say that
my dog...she never fails haha or my cousins most times
going to Europe for the first time. the besssst
who knows!
university and getting my dream job haha
hmm not to sure probably a lot
wake me up by avicii but I still love it haha
North Korea cause it's ****ed idk
swear less and get fit
do u have a boyfriend yet
wrong!! I would've been down for anything. haha totally depends who you are though
what of it
definetly not!! it's possibly the rudest thing to say
cause no boys like me duh
that's a tough one! I don't even know the grade 11's
no youre hot.. and nope! I'm not
I've been told that hahahah
law schooool
not if someone's gonna kept making the same mistake no
Connor Arms
drew, zach, connor, evan, josh for sure
lets just say new holland
my work sweater and yoga pants
awe dear, I have a staff Christmas party </3
not really! mostly wingin' it
YOU'RE absolutely perfect! thank you! :)
ohh without a doubt Josh Britton & Evan James! their cutiesss
thank you! you're so sweet
why is that hahaha
not at the moment.. haha
lmfao are you crazy I can't pick just one!!!
too old
he seems like a nice guy and like he knows how to have a good time! haha definetly someone worth getting to know
such a good guy! haven't really seen him to much since summer, but he's super chill and good looking haha
woah there.. haha uhm can't pass up Ryan Gosling or Jake Gyllenhaal that's for sure
very shy! Always depends on the situation tho
totally mutual
thy should inbox my facebook? hahaha
a 6hh paint or palomino quarter horse gelding my dream horse hahaa
uhh well I'm not looking to get serious with anyone haha but I guess some people make it work, idk
I wanna go to university then law school after that haha
super chill guy! Don't talk to him much but it's nice seeing him out! :)
cruise or vacation would be sweet
make it a date for next week
HAHAHA when they say how hot my cousins are
head out joe
awe that's so nice of him! Need to catch up though, it's been a while haha
nah man Owens chill af, but I don't know Greg
well it's not like I have options haha so probably whoever would ask me if that. no one really comes to mind though,
Evan James, Riley Walsh & Josh Britton!
history zach, world issues Connor, bio Brett, English zach or bryn