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I would ask myself way were you selfish the day one of the boys that liked you. Y did you say no to them and hurt there feelings
That I am madly inlove with you but I never had the guts to say it at all but now you know
Wouter as dit j is neh 22DC367B ad my dan liewers op bbm
No not always sometimes I do it with. A good heart
Weet neh eka weet nie wats ju storie nie maar as n aandag verduideliking will he vat die woorde boeke en gAan suk dit op dan daar gaan j aandag kry maar nie by my nie
Weet nie wie jy is nie gee ook nie n hell om oor ju boodskape nie. As jy will komintaar lewer skryf n boek
Wat is ju naam en tnx vir die complimente
Tnx wats ju naam
K neh eka is nu 16 suk nie kinders nie hehehe maar dit is n goeie ene
Tnx * eka ~ vat dit as n goeie compliment
I would. My dog chicky miss him
I would ask what is the most important thing about being presedent