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171 Replies

heey:) zaraidaburak

Hey. I know i havnt talked in a while but Eden is here and she is with me alot. I do miss talkin to u. I wish things had of worked with us

jess0597 replied 3516 days ago

What do you hate about yourself ?

Time wasted

jess0597 replied 3540 days ago

Why wont you text me back? I heard the skanky ***** is living there now. I hope you get an std. Sarahlvu

Lmfao. Listen to u talk. This is the last time i ever reply to ur crap. U r like a bad dream an im done with all of it. Go drop some more kids ya pot head. Have a **** as* life bich. Oh btw Eden wont be replyin either so give it up

jess0597 replied 3579 days ago

What is your nickname ?


jess0597 replied 3663 days ago

I so miss you! I can't wait until I'm in your arms. My parents are so happy you are coming here. Everything is fine. I might not let you go back there. I hate being away from you Jesse. I miss you sooo much. edensgarden

I know i hate it too. But soon enough ill be there. Tell them thanks again for me. I miss u too but gotta go k. Call me. I hope u liked them. :*

jess0597 replied 3675 days ago

OMG you made me cry! I can't believe you sent roses to my school. You are a big jerk Jess Boland. But the sweetest big jerk ever. Thank you so much! I love you :* edensgarden

Lol. Happy early valentines day babe. Cant wait till march break. Ur parents still good with it? Cant wait to see u. Call me later

jess0597 replied 3675 days ago

What are you allergic to?

Hmmm...liars and users..mostly i guess

jess0597 replied 3681 days ago

Lamborghini or Ferrari?


jess0597 replied 3690 days ago

lol did ya forget to tell me something? guessing ya did!;) byee zaraidaburak


jess0597 replied 3698 days ago

What is your biggest success up until now?

Hell...walking again

jess0597 replied 3698 days ago

Looks like you and eden are back together... some sense knocked into me from someone i love. Thanks

jess0597 replied 3698 days ago

Babe I talked to your Mom and I'm so happy for you! Call me if you can tomorrow. edensgarden

Haha..feels good to be free. Just have to get some skates on an get back at it. Gonna take a while an now i will be a year behind but atleast the braces are off. Thanks babe..we leave in two hours an will call tonight if i can.

jess0597 replied 3700 days ago

I was upset Jess. The guy I love tells me he dumping me because some girl he's never even met is back in his life. You would be upset too. I have always been there for you and flew to B.C. for holidays to be with you and you dumped me for her! Please just call edensgarden

I know an I tried to say sorry last night. I promise ill call later. I gotta go rn. I promise.

jess0597 replied 3705 days ago

Please call me. My heart is breaking and I can't stop crying and I can't be without you. Please answer your phone or just talk to me. I can't do this. edensgarden

I tried to talk to u last night an u were freakin. I have to wait till later to call.

jess0597 replied 3705 days ago 1

Nooo. I need to talk to you now. I don't want to wait until tonight. Jess please, you are breaking my heart and I know what's happening and I don't want to wait until tonight. Please lets talk. We can make it through this. edensgarden

I cant talk now. Tonight k an i gotta go. Later

jess0597 replied 3706 days ago 1