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If we talked more maybe id say she nice.
Nice as girl , pretty and funny (:
Judge mental people
Already got the phone I want .
I have a few big mistakes.
Year 11 **** :/ umm their a few
Hmm yeah,
Really good to talk to , extremely cute I wanna get to know you better x
Love you two hol xx
Well if she meant that much I wouldn't leave
Slugger or dino
We'll if girls are bad mouthing thats a turn off so is drugs,
Lovely girl so good to be around really hot and really friendly miss her so much x
Loosing weight ! Cause it's hard ! Aha
.... How the **** would I know
She's nice.
She's nice good to talk to really friendly and always up for a chat !
She nice funny cute and good to talk to x
What's that
Yeah she does we will sort it out !
Just don't talk much any more , but do miss her ,
Relized my best friend isn't even a best friend !
No one boring if you actually talk to them
His a funny **** awesome to drink with
Awh cute , who's this ?
My close friends ! :)
Well hol I love you to death , I'm kinda upset then we had a little arguement but what do they say all bestfriend have fights your so friendly can tell you anything you and dyl are a great couple :) ! ❤️
I'm fine thankyou (:
Hunger games 2 , don't really watch movies
Good as aye don't remember it though
She really nice cute and hot but don't talk to her much anymore wish I did though .