What is the greatest thing about being single ?
Is your year going great ?
Yeah I guess ☺️
How do you want people to treat you ?
Do you drink milk?
Only your mumszz
So you prefer relationships?
Haha well it depends on the time if I want to be in one, but yeah in the long run I think everyone would prefer to have someone
How come?
Wow haha.. Because not everything is about hooking up?and uh I dunno because I have been in relationships, like I've been in one for 2 years and before that another one was a year so I'm not exactly just pouncing on boys lel
Just tell me this, how many people have you Got with?
Not a lot :)
You have huge t***
Ahh the lies
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
Uh the only movie that wasn't as good as I thought at the movies was Mall Cop
Are you a selfish person ?
Oh I hope I'm not!
Whats your number
What's your number?
Money or Loyalty ?
Loyalty brother
What do you spend your money on the most ?
Defiantly food
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
Fake friends
Will u ever talk to me
Who are you..
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
I'm not too sure haha
Who told you they loved you last
Thoughts on Jashan?
Don't really know himmm but he's nice when I've talked to him
Thoughts on jake Hamilton?
Don't know a jakehamiltonnn
what year at school you in?
1 to the 2
Did you get with anyone at Dallas maskals party?
No, and I wasn't even there for an hour haha
A body part you think you could do without ?
What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ?
Go back to sleep
Dream holiday destination ?
What are you allergic to?
looking for a boyfriend?
I think you and jay are cute
Are you looking for a boyfriend ?
Not right now :)
Do you shave?
nah I like the natural look
Do u wear g strings?
Yeah all the time
Who was that guy that you were talking to down the street with blond hair?
Wtf creeeep
Who's your most favourite person in the world??
You are!
I swear to god if I see you run past my house one more time I'm going to come outside and kidnap you
I don't even do they same route every time I run, jks I don't even run
Jessieeeeee, reply :(
Mayyybeeeee :)
Thoughts on m&m
So cute and tasty and so nice awwwww M&M :))
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
Someone in particularrrrrr (:
Look at your snapchat!!!
O K suggggar
How much do you weigh?
I'm going to have to say 47
Who did you kiss at your party?
They know who they are :))
Thoughts on your mn'm
love my little M&M!
what you doing tonight? Did you want to do anything? Bae
No because you called me bae
That was Sarah asking those questions hahaha
Oh okay siqqqq
What was your last dream about ?
I don't remember!
How many guys has Sarah had *ex with?
Are you and Sarah porter still friends
Is this Sarah?
Do you hate Clementine too??
No, what a stupid question I don't hate anyone in my group.
Friends with benefits?
depends what the benefits are, like if you wanna buy me food im cool with that
lol s*cked in babe I gave peter head the other day
Who the f.uck is Peter? Hahaha
Plans for the new year ?
Who would you take a bullet for?
Family :)))))
Your biggest wish ?
To have a lot more wishes
What do you miss about your childhood?
The imagination
Biggest turn off?
Asking for nudes yuuuuuuuck
How many boys have you kissed?
have you ever cheated on someone?
What does your perfect date look like?
being with a boy
Okay snog, marry, avoid!
1. Ricky Taylor
2. Bray
3. Adolf hitler
**** this is hard, I'm going to have to say number 4
What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?
make them richer so they could bring more money when we go out to pay for my food
What is your biggest fear?
What does your perfect day look like?
Looking at myself in the mirror
How old are you?
Ahhhh I have no ideaa
What's your favorite fashion item ?
Fighting with anyone? Hahahha
No lol?
Yay! I thought you bailed on the party :(
Aw nah (:
What turns you off ?
What happened to your party?
I'm waiting to have it for my 17th which is early these holidays :)
Can't wait to see you yaaaay rosiesmithh
What is your bank balance ?
60 cents
How long do you want to live?
forever !!!
Your dream Job?
Already answered
How does it feel to be an STD queen?
You've mistaken me for Sarah
Is your name *exy or are you just *exy
I'm going to have to say yes to both
Be honest have you any done any sort of drugs?
Yeah one I had some amphetamines, cannabis, caine, ecstasy, GBL, Heroin, ketamine, khat, LCD, magic mushrooms, mephedrone, tobacco, and a side of panadol once
Do you actually like Sarah what's your thoughts?
No she's an STD Queen
Your actually so cue Jessie omg
I'm the queen of cue
Are you looking for a relationship because I really like you
Please send me your name and number
longest relationship?
Nearly 18 months
when did you and jay get back together?
I think about two minutes ago
Your Dream Job?
Owning a high profit company so I'm rich :) :) :)
Or if being Zac Efrons wife was a job id be a workaholic :) :)
At what age do you want to get married ?
Hahaha idk whenever someone asks me, but preferably in my twenties :)
what do you think of guys shaving their legs?
some guys can pull it off well :)
Where do you want to live when you older?
Can I please worship your feet
Good manners but no
What would you suggest everyone try ?
Thoughts on Lachie Taylor
seems like a cool guy (:
The most unreliable person you know ?
Probably me
What is your ringtone?
Buzz buzz
Who do you love more, mum or dad ?
Equall :)
Is it true one of your friends is pregnant?
I don't think so ha?
Do you like **** or coke ?
I'd have to say raspberry :)
I've heard stuff about you..
Can't help that I'm popular
You're honestly, so beautiful and stunning I can't take my eyes off of you <3
You flatter me :')
Who is thisssss argh
What is your snapchat username?