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smoking .
spiders ..
hunter .
no . love lasts and money doesnt . so what are you gunna do when the money runs out
um i cant sing and i wish i could .. and i dont lile my weight
i dont really like retelling my dreams
dont even ask ..
2 or 3
when they sit around like a snob judging people for having fun .
im such a hermit that i didn't talk to anyone so i had no chance to lie
as cheesy as it sounds .. i wouldnt dump or cheat on my boyfriend .
well hunter obvs . and prolly heather simpson or nicole rundle .
ahaha some peoples' bull**** excuses
flying. straight up
idk .
hunter bryce :)
galaxy s4
nothing because im really happy with what i have now and where i am. wouldnt have that if i didnt make a few mistakes.
well my boyfriend was my best friend first
prolly jenny godwin .
i like the chevelle ss or the camaro .
cheaters upset me . idec if its on me ... i hate when people cheat
anything covered in chocolate .
no one cause hes perfect
dont really have one
as long as i can . it sounds bad but i wanna die before im like helpless and getting really sick and stuff . if im one of those people that are independent and healthy at like 90 something then sure id love to live until then
why does it matter ? just like those people that drink all weekend every weekend, during the week, like i dont understand why someone needs to spend every second of their lives intoxicated
smoking or excessive drinking . smoking is just gross to me .. and im sorry but i dont find it attractive when alls someone can do is party and drink . just shows how boring i guess they are sober .
when it makes you happy
undecided between poverty or cancer
eleventy seven
samsung galaxy something. whatever is new when i get one . i lovee my phone
dont even watch game of thrones
someone got into my business once again . they feel like they have some sort of right to watch me and tell everyone what im doing. like the people that care about me already look after me just fine, thankyou.
i have no idea
anyone that would be willing to throw themselves infront of a bullet for me . which is very few
robins in sarnia .
$100 . but thats not including the spray to disinfect or the shorter piercings that you put in after three months
yeeees i do .
k seriously . i have a boyfriend . and youre disgusting like ew never .
youre a pig .
k youre gross . single i assume .. and theres no wonder why ..
youre so creepy . like **** off
k thats actually so ****ed . idek who you are and youre jerkin it to my pictures . stop it .
well that picture is now deleted . thankyou for that . why are you creeping through my pictures ?
um no i wouldnt and i dont wanna see it anyways
yeaaah no .
id rather be a mcdouble . mm mmm im lovin it .
i dont even know who you are ..
the only **** you have is in your personality. stfu im not going anywhere near you
doesn't concern you .
not at all you perverted **** .
no it wouldnt . because i would snap it in half if you ever tried . seriously stop youre ****ing nasty
umm yeah no youre not . cause hes not a sick perverted creep . and he has me on snapchat so why the hell would he ask for it ? ..
not yours thats for sure . you realize i have a boyfriend right .. ?
k stop it . youre actually so ****ed
um yeah well good for you . youve officially creeped up my night so thankyou for that .
no i would not .
meh . not as good as my last one thats for sure
my pƩpƩ and grandpa . my pƩpƩ used to always make me laugh cause he was french and had funny little sayings but he died when i was ten. and my grandpa died when i was 5 months old . but i always hear how funny and nice he was and i wish i knew him
my leather jacket .
when theyre boring .
as cheesy as it sounds .. prolly hunter .
well i really want enough to go to school without debt and still be able to have some extra to spend:$:$
thats because i am
tbh idk but they all led me to where i am now . and im really happy
and i love you, random citizen . -megamind movie
doesnt matter . he was and is a jerk
i have no idea .
lol sure
it was a long journey to the top ;) ..
***** have you seen him ? never once did i say he was friendzoned
i like pink crush :)
being a cat .
thanks babes :*
sounds dumb but i babysit. like all the ime and make more than minimum wage . but im not saying how much cause its my business and my business only. plus i have money saved from when i was in 4h
hoe* and i have a lot of respect . not for you though. and youre one to talk sending me four anon hate messages . some respect you have . how about you learn some courage and actually inbox me ? you ****ing prick
actually i earn all my money by myself . my parents dont pay for **** except maybe the odd time .. i make my own money . you dont know shiit about me so hop off .
and you're * an uneducated ***** . im not spoiled i pay for things myself (y)
actually my dad isnt. my parents have a little money saved for each of us but it wont even cover me living there for a year . stop thinking you know everything. I dont get everything handed to me like you might think, just cause i drive my dads vehicle doesn't mean he pays for my school. get off anon you ****ing ***** and say this to my face
exactly. im really lucky that my parents let me drive their vehicles .. im not ready for the financial debt of having my own vehicle .. i cant afford the insurance or the gas plus my schooling
do you wanna build a snowman .
k youre my fav right now .
ahah ikr ! like sorry i have other things to save for? at least my parents trust me to drive their vehicles
no cause at least i admit to driving my parents vehicle . im 17 and saving for university instead of wasting money on a vehicle cause my parents have 3 and theres two of them. maybe you should do the same seeing as you have the poorest grammar ive seen. youre is you are. as in youre a little ***** . your is ownership as in your personality s*cks and you need a check there buddy . dont bash me over anon like a ***** . goodbye
ahahahahahah ok then . its amazing what courage anon gives to little *****es. im so done with donny i didnt sleep with him. and even if i did i have realized from being cheated on that you cant blame the girl if the guys the one committed. considering him and his current gf slept together while i was with him. i havent slept with him but if hes slept with anyone, hes the one in the relationship not me. he should be the one harassed. i want nothing to do with him. get your little ***** as* off anon and inbox me if you are sooo brave. ik for a fact that im not gross . and ik for a fact that i got over donny and want **** all tp do with him. dont attack me with questions about my EX bf. we've been broken up for almost a year. waiting for your inbox :* ****ing prick
words cannot explain how much i love you darlin :* buuut lucky for me i dont take peoples **** .. like another girl ik . ;) youre the best :* coxy better watch out !
hah . never thought i was but people tell me i am. and i choose to believe them cause they're not little anon *****es
first of all i drive better than half the people ik . second of all its not even my ****ing truck. its my dads. and we happen to live on a farm and use it to haul **** and actually work. unlike the sad excuse for a vehicle you prolly have. grow some balls and chirp me off anon you ****ing prick .
ahahah people dont get to my head anymore. theyre ****ing anon
lol mr heenan .
aweeh well thankyou
it was just using it as an over exaggeration of my feelings of being physically by myself td. maybe i have the feeling of being depressed and im not actually a patient of depression. maybe the feeling and the mental disorder are two diffrrent things . maybe someone uses the feeling of depression as a way to explain an acessive sadness instead and didnt think theyd offend sensitive facebookers . give me a call when you get your phd .
***** i wasnt whining about being single. i was whining cause im home alone and bored. hence COMPLETELY alone. hbu **** right off to your own little life behind your computer screen :*