Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
They wouldn't let me in.
sloppy ****
thanks bb 10/10 wud luv
Is that like a retweet but for a ****job?
Definitely redheads.....*exxxxxxyyyyyyyy k**ky gud gud ich bin moist.
Homework, ****ing dur
I'm unemployed 0_0
Max Bialystock. #dreamrole #what
I dont know, i just want it
I think its a little bit soon for that
I probably wouldnt live very long, but lets go with Sushi
Um...****... Someone i love #cheatedyourquestion #dontevencare
Defs being youtube famous.
No, i dont want to live in america, too much guns and knifes and ****.
I'm an agnostic.
Yellow, it touches me.
7 followed by 3
Why the ****, would anyone do that.
Thanks, i really appreciate it :) x I'll be fine
need more friends like you... x
Look, dinner first, would be nice. I think we need to clarify what touching is, because i'm all for hugs.
Omg you know how to make me cri wid da happiness. Thx u, u can hav all ma spam just come and collect from ma house.
sweet, call me, I am awesome. (not really, but whatever)
This year, as in coming? **** i don't know. I dont get when people ask things like that, because its such a broad amount of people i inevitable forget people and then some people get annoyed when i dont say their name even though in reality i couldnt seriously comprehend picking a few people out of like 200, (dont really know how many students there are). So, everyone, well, mostly everyone. I seriously couldn't think of anyone on the spot, soz. xo ily.
**** off with yo' daily questions.
I didn't win it? To be honest with you i was completely stoked to be nominated, seeing the 4 guys i came up against kind of shocked me in a way. They were all so hugely talented it made me feel like i didn't even deserve a nomination.
Omg, lol, inbox, thats private as though omg so sneaky omg.
More than one photo of what? :P Im confused
Hahahahahahahaha Firstly, what does changing relationship status have to do with coming out, dis is why i know this is a joke. Secondly, i am completely straight, no d for me thanks. Thirdly, i changed my relationship status for a joke, thats why its back to what it belongs as, Married.
omg al da fk plz 4 me tx
No more ****ing question of the day's
Yup! like you needed to ask?
Actually i think i'm an ok singer. I mean, compared to some people, i can hold the right pitch.
... 0_0
I don't really want to answer that to be honest.
I hope so, I love Tom Hanks
I ****ing love basil brush
7784. Next question
thanks, you are orsumer
No promises but i'll try and make it happen for you ;)
Dw ill be like famous somehow and get heaps of money, i'll start a kitten charity, then we can live together and you can spend all your time caring for kittens...Youll be a cat lady, but the good kind, not the wierd kind
My life just planned itself before my eyes, why am i even still in school, im going to apply at maccas
Yeh we can work at maccas for so long dat we can buy out maccas and own all the maccas everywhere, then we can buy a kitten sanctuary and have all the kittens
Ok i'll work at maccas, as long as i have you and kittens im set, actually i dont even need you just the kittens...
Feck yes, this is like, my dream life, i dont even need like a job or anything i just want munchkin kittens.
Waiting on you :P
It can be our secret :P. Munchkin kittens, please, go look now, return with your opinions....Unless they are negative, then dont return at all -_-
Omg they are the most adorable things ever. Look up munchkin kitten on youtube, im getting one and naming it Loki, and im getting a beagle and naming it Thor, and they are going to be adorable....(tbh i dont even like thor and loki i just think they would be adorable as pet names). If we're gonna live together you're gonna have to get used to them :/
What is lffls.....I dont even....I dont even know...... best friends for life s for life for for life s....... Luv it
Just chillin in ma crib. i wish i had pet penguins, that would like, obey me...That would be the coolest. How do you feel about Beagles and Munchkin kittens
Legit you are perf. BFFL
Feck i don't remember, Jessica Hirvonen. Well i do remember it was just ages ago
What happened was, ****head brother, said i could invite max 3 people, which i did, problem is i had enough trouble figuring out who to invite cause some friends don't like other friends and considering the fact that it was organised last second a few people i wanted to invite didn't get invited. I'll defs make it up to you bbg, because i know who you are and i wuv you.
My favourite? Well, i don't know about that...Things change ;)
I think everyone in production is so talented, i couldn't really pick people out. Every lead this year was fantastic and i love them all to bits, but i think the star was definitely Caleb Linder.
Well, i don't realllllyy want to be Patrick Star so, probably not.... Plus you know, who wants to live under a rock? Come on.
Someone fun.
....I'm not good at these....Uh....****, i dont know what this is um Once, i tried to elephant when i was rainbow and i ended up with poo on my face.... Good?!
Accent Man!!! Who needs Calendar man. Accent man has like, 4 whole accents
Look, i dont know why you hate me, im sure there is a multitude of reasons and I can respect that, i can be annoying, and i can be an ***hole, still, posting this just proves you're trying to rationalize it by being up front, when in reality doing it anonymously doesnt get you anywhere. If you want to rationalize hating me, then just do it in person, because for all i know, you could be someone i value as a friend, which isnt really nice at all. So, with respect, use respect. ex oh
HAHAHA, im really not most of those things but thanks xoxoxo. Lets go out sometime
Nope, soz, not interested
Level 113 baby!
Ben, only because i've known him longer.
Dmac is a god among men.
Um, i'm probably forgetting someone. Jess Syme maybe, Lauren Ricci, Giorgia Deslandes... I'm definitely forgetting heaps of people.
Stephen, cant stand him, hate him so much. Liam is alright but he treats me like crap a lot of the time. Chris is a legend and he's been a good friend who always gives me a laugh when i'm feeling bored or sad.
Tbh i wouldnt know, but thank you for enlightening me with that
Ah, im kinda against dancing, but pretty sure it would be 'Never gonna give you up'. Obviously the only logical choice
Mostly because i have an insatiable hunger for entertainment during my boredom. Selbell fixes like 70% of that but, qooh me helps.
My favppuroite nodle has got to be Satay Terriyaki black bean chicken nodle
I bloody hope so. They've got the potential in them, it'll just be overcoming our likely opponent Geelong, our Achilles heel. But i reckon we'll take it this year.
Freya is way too cool for me sometimes but i really appreciate her friendship and i miss her being at school. Oh and she gives the best hugs. Orielle i'm pretty sure, hates me with a passion. I think she would cut me up and feed me to dogs if she could
Uh, Mel is frustrating sometimes but i cant help but think she's great. Emily is fricking perfect sometimes, but other times i'm pretty sure she wants to kill me.
Selina, no but actually chocolate. I would marry chocolate
URGH. (Monotone) Miranda Hart is perfect
Selina is possibly the most amazing girl i've ever met, India is one of my closest friends and i don't know where i'd be today without her. I value them both more than you would believe.
Ha, de ja vu. Look down. As for Meg, she's a star and is a party animal. I think she's great
For sure, inbox me. (Totally believe you)
Yeh that'll do.
I'm down, as long as you don't have a p**** which i can assume is a large possibility.