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James smith


Ask me anything. Seriously

652 Replies

So Jimmy, out of the people you know who wouldn't surprise you to find out that committed a serious crime?

That list is honestly too long
I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing though

jimmisyn1707 replied 2443 days ago

What if I told you I wanted to fill your girl with my seed while you watched :S

I would say inbox us and don't go behind anonymity as we don't find that attractive

jimmisyn1707 replied 2443 days ago

Most people consider the downfall of the simpsons to be season 9. Specifically the episode the principal and the pauper, season 9 episode 2.

But i am not most people

jimmisyn1707 replied 2443 days ago

Yep and so why do you show signs of greed?

Everyone shows signs of greed. By going with anonymity you're showing greed of self worth. It doesn't necessarily mean they are greedy

jimmisyn1707 replied 2443 days ago

*spits tea* how can you say something so controversial yet so brave?

I have no idea haha

jimmisyn1707 replied 2444 days ago

What season do you think marked the end of the golden era of the simpsons?

20th season. After that its been sht

jimmisyn1707 replied 2444 days ago

greed is bad

Yes. Yes it is

jimmisyn1707 replied 2445 days ago

If God can do anything, can he make a burrito so hot he himself could not eat it?

...i guess? But why would God want to do that?

jimmisyn1707 replied 2445 days ago

I love it, I love your work, I love that response.

And i love that appreciation!

jimmisyn1707 replied 2446 days ago

t***ies or A$$ and why.

A$$. You can easily augment boo*s but a great A$$ takes work to get

jimmisyn1707 replied 2448 days ago

What YouTuber do you like that is too embarrassing to admit you like?

Not that i know of tbh

jimmisyn1707 replied 2451 days ago

Honestly your views on gnocchi and pasta have given me a reason to continue living

Haha well im glad you can see my reasoning

jimmisyn1707 replied 2452 days ago

I can respect that claim. I also accept that claim.

Good because thats how i feel about gnocci! There is no comparing it to anything

jimmisyn1707 replied 2453 days ago

I refuse to accept that answer, gnocchi all the way my bro

What if i told you i don't see gnocci as a pasta but in it's own league?

jimmisyn1707 replied 2456 days ago

But dude what about tortellini or gnocchi? One has meat or cheese inside it and the other one is pasta made from potatoes!!!

I agree they're amazing and close second but shells hold the sauce

jimmisyn1707 replied 2457 days ago