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Ask me anything you like anonymously

26 Replies

If you were the main character in 'If I stay' would you have stayed alive or died

Haven't seen it so Idk

jingle_belz replied 2516 days ago

Are you insecure about your body?

Not my whole body. But aspects of it. Which I suppose everybody goes through and has to deal with to some degree.

jingle_belz replied 2516 days ago

Do you think that some people induce their own depression?

No. I don't think people induce their depression. I think life happens and depression tags along. But some people do perpetuate their depression. And that's what we all need to be careful of; getting comfortable in the sadness.

jingle_belz replied 2516 days ago

All time favorite movie ?

I don't know if I have an all time favorite because I couldn't possibly choose from all the great ones I've seen. But right now my favorite is Baz Lurmann's Romeo and Juliet ❤

jingle_belz replied 2834 days ago 1

What do you think is the most cliche thing ever

Romantic comedies??. So unrealistic. But it's fun to dream

jingle_belz replied 2834 days ago

What is your idea for a perfect date ?

Something super simple and chill. But also kinda creative. I don't know. I'm not too picky. I just don't wanna grab coffee or go for a movie. That's too boring

jingle_belz replied 2834 days ago

What little thing pisses you off greatly?

When people smack their lips while chewing. It drives me crazy

jingle_belz replied 2963 days ago 1

Would you say O'Break is overrated so far? Lindxni

I think it kind of is. There's a lot of hype about amazing things that will happen during o'break but I think just like every other holiday, what happens is really up to you. Just because it's o'break doesn't mean it will or should be any more exciting than any other holiday. Besides the fact that it's longer. My break has been really great but not to the standards that it supposedly should be up to. What do you think?

jingle_belz replied 2981 days ago 3

(Because of your previous question)
What's your favourite colour? sariaaslam

Blue. Thanks Saria ?

jingle_belz replied 3018 days ago 1

What are you sick and tired of?

Nobody asking me questions on qooh ?

jingle_belz replied 3021 days ago 3

What will your child's name be ?

I don't know really

jingle_belz replied 3052 days ago 1

What is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?

A very special woman once said to me "you need to take a figurative selfie". It was really good advice that changed a lot about my life

jingle_belz replied 3058 days ago

What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?

I caught a classmate using two protractors as sunglasses at the end of our chemistry exam. She was so very sincere about ?

jingle_belz replied 3060 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

Weird or embarassing things I've said in past conversations. Those tend to stick with me for a long time.

jingle_belz replied 3074 days ago 1

Why are you not a millionaire?

Well, like I was born into a family that wasn't rich to begin with. And I'm too busy being closed by O'level physics to figure out how to be a millionaire?

jingle_belz replied 3079 days ago 1