Who knows you better than your parents?
Vic <3 she knows stuff nobody else knows
Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?
Anything Ri-Ri
you're a f.u.c.k.i.n.g. poo brain and i know where you live.. donald duck
Type of person you would like to marry?
Channing Tatum and Zayn Malik ❤️
A Movie that made you cry?
The vow and Titanic
Oh my god! Vicky is the most amazing friend. I've known her for as long as I can remember. She is my onesie and Spanish buddy and we always have so much fun together! I couldn't imagine life without my Vicky! I can tell her anything. Ily vic ❤️❤️❤️
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
The feeling of seeing people who are less fortunate than you smiling because of your actions towards them. I honestly don't think you could ever feel more incredible in your life.
What makes your mom awesome?
Why u ask......?
Name 3 people you trust?
Lena Ali and.... I can't choose the 3rd! 3 is too hard! Probs Abby or Hannah? Idk
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
Wtf! Yes! For 30 million!!! Who wouldn't!
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
A yellow Lamborghini and that mint dress
What you think of, We Cant Stop by Miley Cyrus?
My fav song
Who do u want to go out with?
Idk.... I'm gonna wait a while.... I don't want to rush into something again :/
Why do u say love all the time it is just wierd. U even say it to girls as well
Wtf.... I say love u to my friends because I love them iafw
If you had the chance to ditch Toby and date anybody from Trinity who would it be?
I wouldn't ditch Toby.... For some other guys...I'm not that much of a slu* thanks....
We should catch up
Yer kik me!
Are u friends with spikes ?
Yer of course
Hey JJ I was reading some of the messages on Qooh some people are just soo rude don't listen to them your an amazing hot talented girl never listen to them xx ilysm 💛💙💜💚â¤ðŸ’—
Thanks ❤
Hey jj i was reading through the questions u got on this and some of them are horrible! Dont listen to any of them u r an absolutely amazing girl and at least ten times better than any of the people who wrote those messages! Stay beautiful.
Thank you ily! Xx
Who is your boyfriend have you ever met him outside of school while you were dating him ?
Toby and yer
Hey LENZA xx
do you actually like toby cause 4 days after you and leighton broke up u all of a sudden have a new toy to play with
Haha of course I do... And it was over a week
I think it\'s 782 but I didn\'t really work it out on paper so it could b wrong...
Do you like tobymozza2?
He\'s my boyfriend....
Who is the prettiest girl at ruyton
Vanessa is pretty se*y
Ily JJ ur my best friend xx
Aww thanks ily 2 xx (who ru)
Georgia L or lauren must answer
Idk 2 hard! Both amazing, crazy, funny, pretty girls who r both my besties xx
Taylah or G Long or Lauren have to answer! Or it means ur close to none
I guess Taylah as I\'ve been really good friends with her since prep and we know everything about each other... She is one of my bestest friends xx
jazzy dunphy??
Known her forever! Nice, pretty, funny girl! <3
G Long or Hannah W must answer or people know that u are no longer closer to one
I love George so much but I have to say Hannah... I\'ve been best friends with her since I was like 4 or 5 and she knows everything about me and I luv her so much! She is the most amazing, funny, talented, smart girl!! She is my bestest friend in the world (with a few others)
JJ put me in ya bio hahhaha
Well who ru?
Georgia L or Lauren or Otty?? Choose 1
Idk!!! All 3 gourgeous girls who I love!!!! All really pretty and crazy and funny!!
Do u love dan sek
What!!! Ewwwww no!!!!
I LOVE YOU BBY! - secret admirer
Haha ummm thanks... Who ru?
Ily JJ guess who this is your one of my really really good friends ilysm
Thanks.. Who is this? Depends who it is but I probs Ilysm 2.....
How many times did you see spikes when you were dating him ??
Idk mayb like 4 or 5 idk
For $100 million dollars would you eat 100 kilos of chocolate (you would get fat)
Umm.... If eat it over like a yr and have like a block a week and then go to the gym and loose all the weight... But if not no... I care about my body more than money... I don\'t want to b fat! Hahah
For $2 million dollars would you eat your best friends poo
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww NO
For $100 would you eat 100 peices of broccoli
Yer I guess so... Mayb not for 100$ but mayb 500$ but also depends how big the pieces r
For $1 million dollars would you eat a dog
Nup! I love dogs. I couldn\'t eat one!!!
Did u break up with Leighton ?
Yer we broke up
Thoughts on Maddy Collins
Pretty, nice, funny and CRAZY (in a good way) xxx
Do you know anyone in year 6
Yer I know quote a few yr 6s
favourite Teachers
Idk I guess...... Mrs Parker, miss sim and ms officer
Love u JJ â¤
Love u 2 (depends who u r)
U where so much makeup
I don\'t wear any! Only to a party or something ill wear mascara and some gloss or something.. If ur looking at my last pic with Abby and Elina... Ik it looks like I\'m wearing makeup but it\'s just the lighting I swear I wasn\'t wearing any and I don\'t!
How long have u and spikes been together ?
Almost a month
Thoughts on Annie
An amazing, beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, stunning, talented, smart girl who I love
Why did u steal my boyfriend !!! He was mine first :(
I didn\'t steal anyone!
Thoughts on spikes
He is really sweet and kind and is always there for me! And I love him.......
Why do u like leighton rodgers he is not cool
Why do u think he\'s not cool? Answer mine and ill answer urs hehe
Thoughts on Maddy Collins and Georgia L
Georgia is one of the most crazy, fun, loud girls in the world! She is an amazing friend and always makes me laugh! Maddy is really nice aswell
jj replied
4342 days ago
Is selina kat one of ur best friends
She\'s a really nice person!! I don\'t really sit with her at school or stuff so she\'s a really good friend of mine but not best
Love u â¤â¤â¤â¤â¤â¤â¤â¤
From spikes
Thanks love u 2 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Yo JJ I think u cop too much crap about leighton so i won't do that so I think u 2 r gr8 together and yeh banana Therealleoroubos
Leighton is a s*ck up! Why do u date him?
Because I love him
jj replied
4348 days ago
Did you see Leighton today?
I love you babe ♥♥♥
Leighton is a f***er f***er f***er Dic*!!!
Am I in ur top 15 for best friends
Mayb depends who u r.
Idk!!!\' I can\'t choose!!
Annie or Lauren or Otty have to answer
Annie or Lauren no offence to otty love u 3 gurls
You and Leighton are perfect together!! Both f***ing as*wholes
Thx Bit**. U made my day a whole lot better! It\'s already been shi* so thanx alot!
Who do u like more Georgia L or lauren h
Jemima!!!! Im so super sorry!! I didnt want you to find out!! xxx
It\'s ok xx
HaVe YoU eVeR kIsSeD LeIGhToN?¿?¿
damn u stole my boyfriend
Maddy? I didn\'t steal anyone!
Ali or Taylah or jess or lena
Can\'t choose all my bffls
Who do u like more lauren Or Skye
Lauren is one of my bestfriends and Skye is a good friend so I guess Lauren
Dont listen to all those nasty comments, they are just jealous of you and leighton. xxx
Thankyou!!!!!! Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!! Idk who ur but xx
Ali or Taylah or Lena or Jess or Annie?
Can\'t choose! They r all my bestfriends! I can\'t choose 1!! They r all such gorge girls and I luv them all!
Annie or Taylah?
If u mean who\'s a better friend or which one do u like more.... The answer is I can\'t choose!! They r both amazing and I luv them both!
Hey u doing much on monday?? xxx
Soz I\'m busy! Who ru?
Leighton has lied to that maddy girl!
What about??? ??
Hey it's ali
Hey Ali had so much fun last night! Xxxx
U have to realize what Leighton is doing to that maddy person it's not fare on her!
Who is yr best friend?
Can\'t choose 1! 2 hard!!
I did not say the best friends thing I swear -maddy!
Hey Georgoeus! Abs!
Heyy xx
Hey beautiful
Let me tell you something,
Dont let him make you "one of those girls" who have dated leighton. Xoxo
Who ru?
Why would you ever date ur best friends ex! No offence but thats really slu*ty
If i tell your parents you are dating leighton what would they do? And if i say youve been dating him since last thursday?
Have u and ur lover leighton only met once??
U and Leighton r a really cute couple
Maddy! Xx
Thx xx
Is sky one or ur top ten best friends
Yer I guess so! It\'s too hard to choose 10 or 15!!
Hey babe, what r u doing tomoza if ur not busy go to the rocket park 2:00 <3
Who ru?????!
How many dates have you had with Leighton? Have you told your parents you are dating him ?
No I haven\'t and I guess 1 but it wasn\'t really a date
How many dates have you had with Leighton? Have you told your parents you are dating him ?
No I haven\'t really and I guess 1 but it wasn\'t really a date.
How Long have u had a crush on Leighton?
A couple of weeks
How long have u liked Leighton for??
A couple weeks