Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Well I went on a forum for young leaders of Africa... Where we learned skill that will help us create and run a community action project (CAP) that deals with an issue in our community... So yeah that was damn interesting
The funky chicken in front of, and with, 4 very successful entrepreneurs
Helll yeah
Both... Both?... Both is good
Yeah totally... Pfft... Maybe next week
Food is food... Are you offering to make some?
Hahaha By FAR it has to be 'Hot Problems'... "Hot girls have problems too. We're just like you, except we're hot"... Damn that song is irritating!... They aren't lying though... They are quite hot (•͡.̮ •͡ )
The power to poses any super power that I see in a movie, comic book, TV show, game or anime... I will be unstoppable... The world will be mine... MWAHAHAHA
Me... I'm my favorite soccer player B-)
It is hard to tell... But I think that the team that takes down either Argentina and/or Brazil will win
No I expected as much... I'm just dissapointed that messi is probably going to be top scorer -_-
I have absolutely no idea...
Sure... As long as you pay me :P
When it needs to be done... Well when my parents say that it needs to be done
Math... That's all I can think of
Well I sure hope so... But the way Ghana has played... And the way portugal has played... I doubt it...
Insane!!!... The craziest world cup ever!!!... For tons and tons of reasons!
... Ironing... Yeah...
Well he is an ***hole for a lot of reasons... But that is not one of them... They played ****... He is allowed to be angry with them... And against Germany the ref was also an idiot so there is a lot of reasons to be angry
Getting fit for football... And watching word cup... Other then that I have no idea
Yeah... Last Friday already...
For the duration of the world cup I will be dating my TV!
Money is always the best birthday gift (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Catch up on lost sleep (•͡_ •͡
Nope I don't agree... If they can't even score against mexico then they won't win... But if they pick up their game then they stand a very good chance
FRIDAY!!! (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Hmmm... "Smarticle"... Who could this be... Maybe a colorful bird of some sorts? ;P
Yeah it was TOO chilled
Let's see.. Netherland and Germany both killed in their first game... Then again so did Brazil... So I guess I'll go for Uruguay...
This weekend ,yes... Slightly after that, no...
I believe in attraction at first sight... But I doubt that i will be able to fall in love just by seeing someone once... But you never know...
Hahaha...Yeah I am pretty skilled at burning food
Yes I totally study hard... Totally.. Pfft... And luck aint got nothing to do with it :P
Yes.. Not 100% sure about my physics test... But I aced afrikaans... Except paper 1... I aced math... I think I did well in accounting...I aced EGD... And the rest I'm sure I got a distinction
No...No I don't ...
Probably... But you never know... I might find 'THE ONE' before then
Once in a lifetime...
I have no idea... It could be anyone... It just depends on who hates me the most on a particular day (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Yes... I'm the maid... And the gardener..
I get food... And shelter...
Yes you are... And you can't do this forever because there is a caracter limit on the questions... And eventually you will die... Thus it is impossible to carry on forever (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Generally being called stupid really pisses me off!
Ironing... DEFINITELY ironing
Totally... I don't spend a cent of it... The main reason being that I don't get pocket money (•͡_ •͡
Yes... math... Pfft... No nothing really... Except soccer practice
I have no idea... It could be lily... But that is too obvious... Hmmm... Who could it be...
Hopefully all the correct answers to the questions in the exams (•˛ •)
Firstly... This isn't afrikaans; you don't have to join random words is "wish list"... And the smartphone that is on my wish list is The galacPROcraST1nator 4.0... It will be able to reSearch and do homework for you... It will be able to project a hologram of the person that you are phoning in order to improve sociability face to face... It will be able to take you back and forth in time... It will be able to turn you invisible... It will allow you to see ultraviolet and infrared light... But most importantly it will be able to download any random tapping game that your heart desires v(*.*)^
That I am powerful beyond measure v(*.*)^
Two days ago was amazing... I aced an EGD exam...we won't talk about afrikaans... And I finally understood accounting <(' .' )>
That is obvious... I would wish to have an infinite amount of wishes... And if that is impossible... Then I would wish that everytime I stick my hand into my pocket and pull it out a hundred Rand note apears in my hand '(•͡.̮ •͡ )
Pretty good I'd say... Not the best... Well yet that is '(•͡.̮ •͡ )
If I get married I'll have kids... If not then no
I have no idea.. Can't tell ... The person is anonymous
Besides probably studying for I don't think so... I'm really not sure... But I'll see when I get there... Oh ya... There might be a soccer match on sunday... But that is about it I guess... Exams... It's just a couple more weeks... So Anon... What are you doing this weekend?(•͡.̮ •͡ )
That person needs a life... ****ing gay as* prick... But it's chilled... I can always delete any other messages that he sends (•͡.̮ •͡ )
When I forgot to put brackets over "OH" in my physics test and it cost me full marks (◑.◑)
It's going good enough...I guess
Boring... Quite boring... Very boring.. Insainly boring... Spectacularly boring... And any other way of saying boring
It was amazing... I'm pretty sure that I aced my afrikaans exams (◑.◑)
For one you spelled tongue wrong... And two... The ****!!!!!!!!!! (•͡˘˛˘ •͡)
Metaphorically?... I haven't seen it lately... Because of all this success for which I thank the Lord greatly... I don't care if you hate me... Cause you wish you were me... But you aint me... So you ask how my as* is looking?... Bend down and kiss it and see (how do you like my rap... Boredom writes messed up raps)
Who hasn't!... The friend zone is a *****... But we all seem to end up liking our friends because they are the girls that are the easiest to talk to... They are the girls that are themselves... They don't pretend as much... That makes them more atractive.. More beautiful... But she always seems to always go for the **** that is going to play her!!!... Girls don't even consider that the "perfect guy" might be the one that is there when the player breaks up with her... The friend zone is a *****
Yes... Maybe... No... Defiantly not... **** NO... Note how my level of sarcasm decreased
I don't think... I really don't
Who said that I am going to marry... I'm going to be the ultimate bachelor
Me and carlo-filipe are like xbox with a controller, I'm the controller and his just there to provide the enterntainment
Pretty much... Pretty much... Totally (•͡.̮ •͡ )
No!...that s*cks... What is wrong with you... That is basically a fail!!!... 100% is what you need to strive for (•͡˘˛˘ •͡)... Pfft
Yeah... I don't think that the people that I am going to meet want to see me dance (•͡.̮ •͡ )... But I get your point random stranger
Succeeding is my pasion... Because people love to see me fail (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Crazy... Weird... Weirdly normal... Geeky...mostly crazy... Yeah crazy... Very crazy...
I Love Money I guess v( ‘.’ )v
Amazing... I was pretty much playing soccer this entire weekend
Pretty much... And they are all pretty much almost as messed up as me!
My imaginary friend Salvador
Corny jokes are the best jokes... I actually don't know who I take after... Everyone you meet influences your personality
No I don't think...Why would I waist my life going to parties, getting drunk and ****ing up my life... I would rather spend it with people that I love... With my family and friends... And my bed... And if I want to sleep and eat and sleep and eat then that is my problem... I'm tired as ****... So why would I spend my weekend getting more tired... So enjoy your parties douchebag
Hahaha no I'm just in love with get full marks in math ... You would understand if you got taught by her
When I got rescued from a stranded island and cried for the loss of innocence and the death of my wise friend piggy... The one that I ate... It was sad... Cause my random friend Jack was going all savage on his as*... (Pfft This was totally not paraphrased from Lord of the Flies pfft)
I wouldn't say that I am a clown... Or a serious joe... I'm more of like a sarcastic sam ...
Probably... What would you like me to elaborate on?... I'm assuming that the explanation for what you want me to elaborate would be sarcasm... Probably... But it depends on what (~_^)
This is my plan for the weekend from friday night: sleep, wake up, eat, sleep,wake up, eat,sleep, wake up, eat, sleep, wake up, eat, go to soccer, kick as*, go home, eat, sleep... Well that's my plan... I'm sure my parents have a different one
I would say my bro... But he is quite lazy which isn't very smart of him... Thus I'd say mrs Barnard #bestmathteacherever... I would probably go back to V-town just to thank her for everything that she has taught me... One day
Oooo.. I have a good one: children in the back seat causes accidents... Accidents in the back seat causes children
Linkin park- skin to bone... Come on man... With the amount of songs that you have on your computer there must be a more difficult one there
No... My sense of humour is bad... Very bad...michael jackson Bad
Depends on the day... I can be quite lazy
Thanks random stranger... And just by acknowledging my humour I can see you too have a good sense of humour -_-... And yes... I do watch lots of funny movies... For example titanic... That **** is hilarious!... But seriously I do actually watch a lot of funny movies
No I'd say that I am the first Juan-Miguel De Freitas B-)
I'm not sure there are so many times that have past... But once again I shall conform and say... Playing soccer
Sorry I haven't measured their temperature lately... But for the sake of not waisting time I will conform and asume that you mean best looking or most beautiful... I would say Victoria Justice
Audi R8... Best looking car ever!
For some reason I am asuming that you want me to say you... But it probably aint you... But I guess I will answer your question with a chicé... I don't know... There are so many pretty girls that I have seen... But they are all beautiful in their own unique way... And they are so beautiful that you can't choose between them... You know what I know exactly who I am going to pick!... My brother... He is the prettiest girl I know hahaha... I bet you thought I was going to give a serious answer -_-
Spelling actual words -_-
For now physics cause it is the easiest,,, for now!
Well if I actually had a girlfriend, I probably wouldn't just leave her... Especially not for a celebrity... The reason for that being that their lives are (most of the time) too messed up to even call lives... Plus they travel a lot and have no time on their hands...I don't want to have to make an apointment just to see my own girlfriend...But on the other hand this whole thing is pointless until I actually get a girlfriend -_-