The best movie so far in 2014?
Best movie so far i would say the new chucky :D
Your source of happiness?
My pain
Who makes you happy?
I'm not saying anything yet.. But some1 really special to me
The greatest moment in your life ?
Finding that person who makes me happier than I've even been
Wow you beautiful ♡
J... Stop telling lies!! :p
Because you and I have had a past and things weren't right for us to be together so I just want a clue to see if maybe I'm that guy and if I am that guy then I'll send you a BBM
Y don't u just bbm me and ill honestly say if its u!! I'm not saying anymore on this!
So I kinda want to know who this guy that you seriously wanted to date is because things weren't right just give me a clue on what he does for fun
Why don't u tell me who u are!
What's you description of your perfect date?? :)
Don't really know hay, would like it to be a surprise;;)
Omg the clue is IN the question!!! :P
Only when I'm waking up next to u
Just a casual stalker ;) ♡ «--
Can i atleast get clues on who u r? :p
Do you wake up every morning looking that beautiful? :) ♡
Who is this?
Guess who I am :P
I don't know the toothfairy??
You going on people must ask you good questions!!!! So here is some good 1s, how *exually active are you? If you see someone you like do you pull into them? What's better the size or the motion?
And last how wild are you in these activities?
Its no, yea i do, its not the size of the ship or the motion of the ocean but whether the captain can stay in port long enough 4 the passengers to get off board... Percy jackson and the sea of monsters
So what's your goal in life?? And the most daring thing u ever done??
As in being dared or by my own choice
If you had to choose between pets..what would you choose...a dragon or a unicorn??
Both. I'd have a dragicorn
A song that you've over played?
Animals by nickleback
Chasing after u since u always have guys
That's not true.. Y ask anonymously?? Bbm me
How many guys u after at the moment? Or should after you?
Non and wum should after me?
How long did your last call last?
5hours and 15 min
The guy that u couldn't date because things just weren't right ?
A guy from my past
Just for curiosity sake who was that guy
Wich guy?
Was curious to know hey wat movies u gona be watching?
Thor the dark side
I'm gud wats ur plans for today
Relaxing nd then movies tonight y?
Have u ever liked someone from ur past that u didn't date who
nd why nt
Yea things just wasn't right and they changed after a while so ya
Hello how u doing
Hay hay I'm doing great hay and u?
Are you singel *exy???
Uhm who is this??? Ping me
Just popping in to say wow...you're beautiful!;) :P
Aaaw spank yews :p :s
You're just too gorgeous n *exy ({}) :*
Aaaw thank yew :s.....who is this though
The first thing you think of after you wake up ?
Food =D
If u could go anywhere ,where would it be ??
Paris,italy or an island in the middle of nowhere
What do you wish for?
°̩ haven't really thought of that but I'd say °̩ wish to finally maybe be happy
Heeeeeeellllooooo Guess Who?? :O
°̩ have no clue X_X mmmmm tell me tell me pwease :D ;;)
What do you prefer?
• Arts
• Sport
• Academic work
Arts :D
♡Love the way you smile... It makes me.... You know!!! BBM plz: 2651...♡ **exY*
Uhm u can bbm me tmz...
I'm weird right?? J*
Yes verry... Ping me! :)
Was jy al gevinger???
Who is this?!
Was jy al gevinger???
Who is thos?
So basically you don't like to prank?
No not really
Make him run down the street wearing only a thong or make him swim in a bikini at a party =D
Preferably neither but if °̩ have to choose °̩ say bakini at a party :p
Would you ever prank a guy?
If you had to describe yourself not your looks but who you are, what would you say?
Mmmmm... Well I'm lovable, kind, calm,sometimes a ***** when °̩ need to be,protective,I'm usually always in a good mood uhm °̩ dna that's all °̩ can think of
If you had to choose a song to describe yourself what would it be?
O wow what a question.... Honestly °̩ would have no idea but now u have me thinking, so if °̩ find 1 ill let u know... :) who is this though?
I hope I have all those traits, it all comes down to your judgement (:
Who is this?
What is that something different that you want in a guy?
I'd like a gentleman, a guy who can treat me right and not 1 with a big ego
IF, you knew who I was...would you consider having *ex with me?
Uhm.... No sorry
Why do you have to be so gorgeous and *exy? ;;)
Who is this?
How do you feel about your reputation and the way it makes people see you?
Honestly °̩ don't like my reputation, its not who °̩ am ßut no1 knows who °̩ really am, so ppl see what they want and they make me out to be some1 I'm not
What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?
The most valuable thing °̩ own would be to my my dogies
Who are you dating and why?
No one at the moment, just tired of guys all being the same... Want something diffrent